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shootshoot[ʃuːt](shot,shot) ,shoot sb/sth 'down 1.to shoot at sb/sth and make them/it fall to the ground射倒;击毙;击落:They were shot down in cold blood.他们被残酷地击毙了。They shot down a civilian aircraft by mistake.他们不小心击落了一架民用飞机。2.(informal) to strongly criticize sb or their ideas, etc.批驳,驳倒,彻底推翻﹙观点等﹚:When I made a suggestion they shot me down in flames.我提了个建议,却被他们彻底推翻了。My ideas were shot down one by one.我的观点被逐一批驳了。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv'shoot for sth (AmE, informal)3.(usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) to try to get or achieve sth difficult力争达到;努力获取:They’re shooting for another victory this season.他们力争这个赛季再赢一场。[G]v+prep,shoot 'off (informal)4.to leave somewhere very quickly迅速离去:She had to shoot off to meet someone.她得赶去见个人。I’m sorry, I’ve got to shoot off.抱歉,我必须马上离开。[G]v+adv,shoot sth 'off 5.to remove sth by shooting开枪打掉:They shot the lock off.他们开枪把锁打掉了。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,shoot 'through 6.(informal, especially AustralE澳大利亚英语) to leave, especially in order to avoid sb/sth离去;躲避:I was only five when my Dad shot through.我才五岁爸爸就离开了。[G]v+adv,shoot 'up 7.(to sth) to rise or increase very quickly陡增;猛涨;迅速上升:The inflation rate has shot up to 20%.通货膨胀率激增到20%。8.to grow taller in a short time迅速长高:She’s shot up in the last few months.她在过去的几个月中个头一下子蹿上来了。[G]v+adv,shoot 'up; ,shoot 'up sth (slang)9.to inject an illegal drug注射﹙毒品﹚[OBJ]heroin,drugs[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n,shoot sb/sth 'up 10.to injure sb or damage sth severely by shooting开枪打伤﹙或打坏﹚;击毁:An armed gang shot up the nightclub.一个武装团伙开枪把夜总会打得千疮百孔。[OBJ]house,bar,club[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv

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