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showshow[ʃəʊ](showed,shown}or, rarely&b{ showed) ,show sb a'round; ,show sb a'round sth (BrE also ,show sb 'round, ,show sb 'round sth)1.to go with sb when they visit a place for the first time, showing them what is interesting领某人参观;带某人巡视……:There are guides in the palace who will show visitors around.宫殿里会有导游带访客参观。I’ll arrange for someone to show you around the school.我会安排人领你参观学校的。[synonym]take sb around,take sb around sthsee also SHOW SB OVER STH[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+n/pron+prep,show sb 'in; ,show sb 'into sth 2.to lead a visitor to a place where they can wait, or to the room where sb is waiting to see them把﹙客人﹚带到﹙等候处或会客室﹚:Sarah showed the visitors in.萨拉把客人们领了进来。I was shown into a waiting room.有人把我带到候客室。[opposite]show sb out,show sb out of sth[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prep,show 'off (informal, disapproving)3.to try to impress other people with your abilities,wealth,intelligence, etc.炫耀;卖弄:Stop showing off! 别卖弄了! Bonnie was showing off to her friends, doing handstands on the grass.邦尼向朋友们炫耀,在草地上拿大顶。[G]v+adv'show-off n 4.(informal, disapproving) a person who likes to impress other people with their abilities, wealth, etc.爱炫耀的人:You’re such a show-off! 你真会卖弄!,show sb/sth 'off (to sb) 5.to try to make people pay attention to sb/sth because you are proud of them/it﹙向人﹚炫示,夸示﹙人或事物﹚:He was showing his CD collection off to his friends.他在向朋友展示他所有的光盘。She brought her new boyfriend along to show him off.她把新男友带来炫耀一番。6.to make sb/sth look attractive or seem interesting or exciting by showing their best features使﹙人或物﹚显得漂亮;使夺目;衬托:The black sweater showed off her figure to full advantage.那件黑毛衣完全衬托出她的身材。The music shows the band off in their best light.这音乐展现了乐队最出色的一面。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,show sb 'out; ,show sb 'out of sth 7.to lead a visitor to the door out of a room, a building, etc.把﹙客人﹚送出门:I’ll show you out.我来送送你。[opposite]show sb in,show sb into sth[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prep,show sb 'over sth (BrE)8.to take sb around a place they are visiting and show them what is interesting带某人查看; 带某人参观:They showed me over the house.他们带我看了房子。see also SHOW SB AROUND,SHOW SB AROUND STH[G]v+n/pron+prep,show sb 'round; ,show sb 'round sth (BrE)= SHOW SB AROUND,SHOW SB AROUND STH,show 'through; ,show 'through sth 9.to be visible through something or behind sth﹙从某事物中﹚ 透出, 显出, 透视:This paper is so thin the ink shows through.这纸薄得能透过墨迹。His skull showed through his thin hair.他的脑壳在稀疏的头发下清晰可见。When he spoke, his bitterness showed through.他说话时流露出内心的辛酸。[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep,show 'up (informal)10.to arrive or appear at the place you have arranged如约赶到;出现;露面:She finally showed up at lunchtime.午饭时分她终于赶到了。I arranged to meet him but he didn’t show up.我约了和他见面,可他没来。[synonym]turn up[G]v+adv,show 'up; ,show sth 'up 11.to become or to make sth easy to see﹙使﹚容易看见,变得明显,显现出来:His striped tie showed up well against his dark red shirt.他那条纹领带在深红色的衬衫下十分醒目。Something odd has shown up on the X-ray.X光照片显示有些不寻常。Her lack of experience was shown up by the test.她缺乏经验,在测验中可以看出来。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,show sb 'up (informal)12.to make sb else feel embarrassed by behaving badly or by doing sth better than them使人难堪﹙ 或尴尬、丢脸等﹚;让人脸上下不来:He said I’d shown him up in front of his friends.他说我弄得他在朋友面前下不了台。You really showed me up by snoring during the concert! 你在音乐会上大声打鼾, 真给我丢面子! Don’t worry about being shown up by the kids — they’ve always used computers.不要顾虑输给孩子们没面子——他们经常使用电脑。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,show sb/sth 'up as/for sth 13.to show what sb/sth is really like, when this is worse than people thought暴露;揭示某人﹙或事物﹚为…:The book shows her up for what she really is : a fraud.这本书揭示出她的真面目——一个骗子。We were shown up as the second-rate team that we were.我们暴露了二流球队的水平。[G]v+n/pron+adv+prep

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