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sortsort[sɔːt],sort sb 'out (informal, especially BrE)1.to deal with sb who has been causing trouble整治,对付,收拾﹙某人﹚:They sent the lads round to sort him out.他们派小伙子们去收拾他。[synonym]deal with sb[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,sort sb/yourself 'out (BrE, informal)2.to find a solution to sb’s/your own problems, etc.解决某人﹙或自己﹚的问题:It took her months to sort herself out after the divorce.离婚后,她过了好几个月才恢复正常生活。He was so upset it took us an hour to calm him down and sort him out.他十分难过,我们用了一个小时才让他平静下来并帮他解决问题。[synonym]straighten sb/yourself out 3.to organize sb or yourself组织某人,安顿某人﹙或自己﹚:You load the car and I’ll sort the kids out.你装车,我把孩子们安顿好。She’s in her room sorting herself out for the trip }(=packing clothes, etc.&b{).她在房间里打点行装。[G]v+n/pron+adv,sort sb 'out with sth (informal, especially BrE )4.to provide sb with something they need给某人提供﹙ 所需物品﹚ :I’m sure we can sort you out with some dry clothes.我想我们一定能给你找几件乾衣服的。[G]v+n/pron+adv+prep,sort sth 'out 5.to put sth in order; to tidy and organize sth把…安排好;理顺;整理:I spent the afternoon sorting out my study.下午的时间我用来整理我的书房了。[OBJ]room,stuff 6.(especially BrE) to organize or arrange sth组织;安排:First you have to sort out a work permit.首先,你必须办理工作许可证。7.(especially BrE)to decide on sth作出决定:I need to sort out what clothes to take with me on the trip.我得想好旅行带什么衣服。[OBJ]details,priorities8.[NOTE]In this meaning sort sth out is usually used with question words such as what, where, etc. sort sth out 作此义时通常与what、where等疑问词连用。9.to solve a problem解决﹙问题﹚:We’ve sorted the problem out.我们把问题解决了。[OBJ]problem,mess 10.(from sth) to separate sth from a larger group﹙从…中﹚区分出来,辨别出来:Sort out the ripe pears from the rest.把成熟的梨子和其他的分开。She sorted out the clothes that she didn’t wear any more.她把不再穿的衣服挑了出来。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'sort-out n 11.(BrE, informal) an act of arranging or organizing things in a neat and tidy way and getting rid of things you don’t want收拾;清理,sort itself 'out (especially BrE)12.if a problemsorts itself out, it stops being a problem without anyone having to do anything﹙问题﹚自行化解:He woke up feeling ill, but thought the problem would soon sort itself out.他醒来时感觉不舒服,可他以为一会儿就会自动好起来的。[synonym]work itself out[G]v+pron+adv,sort 'through sth 13.to look through a number of things either in order to find a particular thing or to put them in groups翻查;归整:She sorted through her wardrobe for something to wear.她翻遍衣柜找件穿的。They sorted through thousands of old photos.他们归整了几千张旧照片。[G]v+prep

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