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bouncebounce[baʊns],bounce sth a'round (informal, especially AmE)1.to discuss sth with other people和别人探讨…:We’re bouncing some new ideas around.我们正在讨论一些新想法。[OBJ]ideas[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,bounce 'back (from sth) (AmE also ,snap 'back (into sth)) 2.(informal) to recover well after you have been ill/sick or had a difficult time恢复健康; 重整旗鼓:No matter what happens, she always bounces back very quickly.无论发生什么事,她总能很快地振作起来。[synonym]recover (from sth) (more formal)[G]v+adv,bounce 'back; ,bounce sth 'back 3.if an email bounces back, or the system bounces it back, it returns to the person who sent it because the system cannot deliver it(电子邮件)退回;退回(电子邮件)[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,bounce sb 'into sth; ,bounce sb 'into doing sth (especially BrE)4.to make or force sb to do sth quickly without giving them time to think about it追迫(或催迫)别人做事:I felt I’d been bounced into supporting a proposal I didn’t really agree with.我觉得迫于压力才支持了一项自己并非真正同意的提案。5.[NOTE]This phrasal verb is often used in the passive.这个短语动词常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+prep,bounce sth 'off sb (informal)6.to tell sb else your ideas to find out what they think about them(把想法)告诉(某人以试探其反应):We were able to share problems and bounce ideas off each other.我们能够共同探讨问题并相互交流思想。[OBJ]ideas[G]v+n/pron+prep

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