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stopstop[stɒp](-pp-) ,stop a'round; ,stop a'round sth (AmE)1.to make a short visit to sb, usually at their home去看看﹙某人﹚;去﹙某人家﹚坐坐:I’ll stop around this evening when I finish work.我今晚下班后要去拜访一下。Let’s stop around the Smiths’ house for a quick drink.咱们去史密斯家坐坐喝点东西吧。[synonym]drop round;pop over/round (both BrE)[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep,stop a'way 2.to deliberately decide not to go somewhere有意选择不去﹙某处﹚:Many of the people invited to the dinner had stopped away in protest.很多受到邀请的人都故意不赴宴以示抗议。[synonym]stay away3.[NOTE]Stay away is used much more frequently than stop away . stay awaystop away常用得多。[G]v+adv,stop 'back (AmE)4.to return to somewhere that you have visited earlier返回,回到﹙先前去过的地方﹚:I’ll stop back on my way home.我回家时会再来一下的。[G]v+adv,stop be'hind (after sth) (informal)5.to remain somewhere at the end of an event after other people have left﹙ 在他人走后﹚ 留下:She stopped behind after the meeting to talk to him.会后她留下来和他谈话。[synonym]stay behind (after sth)6.[NOTE]Stay behind is used more frequently thanstop behind . stay behindstop behind 常用。[G]v+adv,stop 'by; ,stop 'by sth 7.to make a short visit to sb/somewhere, especially when you are on the way to somewhere else过去坐坐;顺路造访:Stop by for a chat on your way home.你回家时顺路过来聊聊吧。Could you stop by the store for some milk? 你能不能顺路进那家店里买点牛奶?[synonym]come by,come by sth;drop by[G]v+adv ◆ v+prepstop 'in (BrE, informal)8.to stay at home rather than go out呆在家里﹙不外出﹚:We’ve decided to stop in tonight because it’s raining.下雨了,我们打算今晚留在家里。[synonym]stay in9.[NOTE]Stay in is used much more frequently than stop in . stay instop in 常用得多。[G]v+adv,stop 'off (at/in…) 10.to stop somewhere for a short time when you are on the way to somewhere else中途停留﹙在某处﹚:We stopped off for lunch just north of Paris.我们就在巴黎的北面中途停下来吃了午饭。I stopped off at the supermarket on the way home.我回家时去了超市一趟。[G]v+adv'stop-off n 11.a short stay somewhere during a trip﹙旅程中的﹚中途停留:a stop-off in Sydney在悉尼的短暂停留12.a place where you stop for a short time during a trip﹙ 旅程中的﹚ 中途停留地,stop 'on [+adv/prep ] (BrE, informal) 13.to stay somewhere longer than you planned or after other people have left多呆;﹙在他人走后﹚留下:I’ll be late home tonight — the boss wants me to stop on an hour after work and help tidy up after the meeting.我今晚要晚回家——老板要我加班一小时,会后帮忙收拾一下。[synonym]stay on14.[NOTE]Stay on is used more frequently than stop on . stay onstop on 常用。[G]v+adv,stop 'out (BrE, informal)15.to stay out late at night or all night instead of going home夜里很晚不回家;夜不归宿:He often stops out till three in the morning.他常常在外面呆到凌晨三点。[synonym]stay out16.[NOTE]Stay out is used much more frequently than stop out . stay outstop out常用得多。[G]v+adv,stop 'over (in/at …)17.to stop somewhere for a short time when you are on a long journey, especially a journey by plane﹙尤指乘飞机、长途旅行在某处﹚中途停留:I stopped over in Mérida on the way to Havana.我去哈瓦那途中在梅里达停留了一下。[G]v+adv'stopover n 18.a short stay somewhere during a long journey﹙长途旅行的﹚中途停留:We had a three-day stopover in Hawaii.我们在夏威夷停留了三天。19.a place where you stay for a short time during a long journey﹙长途旅行的﹚中途停留地,stop 'up (BrE, informal)20.to not go to bed until later than usual熬夜;迟睡:She stopped up to see the football match.她熬夜看足球赛。[synonym]stay up21.[NOTE]Stay up is used much more frequently than stop up . stay upstop up 常用得多。[G]v+adv,stop sth 'up 22.to cover or fill a hole, a crack, etc. so that nothing can get through盖上,堵塞﹙洞、缝隙等﹚:I stopped up all the holes to keep out the draught.我把洞全堵上以挡住穿堂风。[synonym]block sth up[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv

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