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summonsummon[ˈsʌmən],summon sth 'up 1.to manage to produce a particular feeling in yourself, although this is difficult设法激起﹙感情﹚;鼓起﹙勇气﹚;振作﹙ 精神﹚:She eventually summoned up the courage to knock at the door.她最终鼓起勇气敲了门。He managed to summon up a smile.他挤出了一个笑容。I can’t summon up much enthusiasm for grammar! 我无法对语法产生多大热情! I don’t think I can summon up the energy to go for a run.我想我拿不出劲头去跑步了。[OBJ]courage,smile,energy,strength[synonym]muster sth up2.In this meaning summon sth up is not used in the passive.summon sth up 作此义时不用于被动语态。3.Summon sth is sometimes used with this meaning. summon sth有时作此义。4.to make an idea, a feeling, a memory, etc. come into your mind唤起;使想起:It’s a smell that summons up memories of my childhood.那种气味会唤起我童年的记忆。[OBJ]memories,vision,image[synonym]evoke sth (more formal)[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (rare)

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