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teartear[tɪə](tore; torn) ,tear a'bout; ,tear a'bout sth (BrE) =TEAR AROUND,TEAR AROUND STH,tear sb/yourself a'part 1.to make sb/yourself suffer very much or feel very unhappy使别人﹙或自己﹚痛苦,使难过:Being separated from the children was tearing her apart.与子女分离令她痛不欲生。Don’t tear yourself apart thinking about the past.别想过去的事了,那只会使自己难受。[G]v+n/pron+adv,tear sb/sth a'part 2.(also ,tear itself, themselves, etc. a'part) to separate people in a family,an organization, a country, etc. and make them argue with or fight against each other使四分五裂;使分崩离析:The civil war is tearing the country apart.内战把这个国家搞得四分五裂。The family was torn apart by conflicting loyalties.这个家庭因家人政见不和而破裂。The region was tearing itself apart.这个地区正在瓦解。Jealousy tore them apart.嫉妒令他们互相排斥。3.to destroy or defeat sb/sth; to criticize sb/sth severely摧毁; 打败; 严厉抨击:We tore the other team apart in the second half.我们在下半场把对方打得片甲不留。You can’t write that — you’ll be torn apart.你不能写那个─他们会毁了你。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,tear sth a'part 4.to destroy sth by pulling it violently so that it breaks into pieces撕毁;撕碎:The dogs tore the fox apart.几条狗把那只狐狸撕成了碎片。[OBJ]prey[synonym]rip sth apart5.to destroy a building, etc.摧毁﹙建筑物等﹚:Hundreds of homes were torn apart by the hurricane.飓风毁掉了几百所住房。The police tore the room apart looking for drugs.警察为了寻找毒品把房间翻了个底朝天。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n (rare),tear itself, themselves, etc. a'part=TEAR SB/STH APART 1,tear a'round; ,tear a'round sth 6.(BrE also ,tear a'bout/ 'round, ,tear a'bout/ 'round sth) to move very quickly from place to place, being very busy﹙忙碌地﹚四处跑动:The children were tearing around shouting.孩子们吵吵嚷嚷地跑来跑去。No wonder you’re tired, tearing about like that all the time.你那么不停地忙忙碌碌,难怪要累呢。[synonym]run around,run around sth;rush around,rush around sth[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep'tear at sth (with sth) 7.to attack sth violently, especially by pulling pieces off it﹙用…﹚撕扯,撕裂,扯开,撕破:The brambles tore at her legs.荆棘挂破了她的腿。He tore at the meat with his bare hands.他乾脆用手把肉撕开。[G]v+prep,tear sb/yourself/sth a'way (from sb/sth) 8.to make sb/yourself stop doing sth they/you enjoy in order to do sth else﹙使﹚依依不捨地停止;﹙使﹚忍痛离去:I can’t tear myself away from this book.我对这本书简直爱不释手。Come and visit us, if you can tear Bill away from his computer! 你要是能说服比尔离开电脑,就来看看我们吧! He couldn’t tear his eyes away from }(= stop looking at)&b{ Mina.他恋恋不捨地望着米娜。[synonym]drag sb/sth/yourself away (from sb/sth)[G]v+n/pron+adv'tearaway n 9.(informal) a young person who behaves in a wild way or who is not responsible or reliable放荡不羁的年轻人;无责任心﹙或不可靠﹚的年轻人:Her son’s a bit of a tearaway.她儿子有点鲁莽。The 11-year-old tearaway had burgled several houses.那个11 岁的小阿飞已经盗窃了几家了。,tear sth a'way 10.to pull sth violently from the thing it is attached to用力撕下;猛地拉掉:The floods had torn away the base of the bridge.洪水把桥墩冲走了。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+nbe 'torn between A and B 11.to have to make a very difficult choice between two things, people,etc.﹙在两者间﹚难以选择,左右为难:I was torn between my parents and my friend.我在父母和朋友之间左右为难。Jenni was torn between staying at school or going to music college.珍妮在继续留在学校和去音乐学院之间难以取捨。[G]be+v+prep,tear sth 'down12.to pull or knock down a building,a wall, etc.拆毁, 拆除﹙ 建筑物、墙等﹚ :They’re tearing down some old houses to build a new office block.他们正在拆除旧房,以建造新的办公楼。[OBJ]building,house,trees[synonym]pull sth down;demolish sth (more formal)[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,tear 'into sb/sth 13.to attack sb/sth physically or with words攻击;袭击;痛斥;抨击:He tore into Jed with his fists.他给了杰德几拳。She tore into the students if they were late.学生要是迟到,她就训斥他们。( figurative) They tore into their food }(= started eating)&b{ as if they were starving.他们狼吞虎咽地吃,好像饿坏了似的。[G]v+prep,tear sth 'off; ,tear sth 'off sb/sth 14.to remove sth quickly by pulling violently﹙猛地﹚撕下,拽掉:Alice tore off her ring and threw it on the ground.爱丽丝一把摘下戒指摔到了地上。The door was nearly torn off its hinges.门几乎要从铰链上被拽掉了。If you need a piece of paper I’ll tear some off my pad.你要是需要纸,我就从我的拍纸簿上撕下一些。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+preptear sb 'off a strip;tear a 'strip off sb (BrE,informal)15.to speak angrily to sb you think has done sth wrong责骂;训斥:The boss tore him off a strip.老板把他痛骂了一通。,tear sth 'out; ,tear sth 'out of sth 16.to separate sth from sth it is attached to, especially with your hands﹙从…﹚撕下,拽掉:Several pages had been torn out of the book.这本书有几页给撕掉了。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv+preptear your 'hair out (informal) 17.to show that you are very angry or very worried about sth怒气冲冲;十分担忧:I was tearing my hair out trying to work out what to do.我为了想清楚该干什么而大伤脑筋。,tear 'round; ,tear 'round sth (BrE)=TEAR AROUND,TEAR AROUND STH,tear sth 'up18.to destroy a piece of paper, a letter,etc. by pulling it into pieces撕毁,撕碎﹙文件、信等﹚:She tore up all the letters he had sent her.她把他寄来的信都撕了。(figurative) The union accused the management of tearing up }(=ignoring)&b{ the agreement.工会谴责资方破坏协议。[OBJ]letter,agreement,treaty[synonym]rip sth up19.to destroy or damage sth, especially by removing it violently from the ground摧毁;损坏;﹙尤指从地上﹚猛地拔起:Trees and bushes were torn up by the storm.风暴把树和灌木拔了起来。[OBJ]trees[synonym]pull sth up;rip sth up[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n

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