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tendtend[tɛnd]'tend to sb/sth 1.to care for sb/sth, especially when there is a problem﹙尤指有问题时﹚照看,照料:I’ll look after the child — you tend to the mother.我来看着孩子——你照料这位母亲吧。The injured were already being tended to.已经有人在看护伤员了。[synonym]attend to sb/sth;see to sb/sth2.Tend to sb/sth can be used in the passive.tend to sb/sth可用于被动语态。3.Tend sb/sth can also be used.也可用tend sb/sth :farmers tending their cattle 看管牛的农人[G]v+prep'tend towards sth;'tend towards doing sth 4.(less frequent) to take a particular direction or have a particular opinion; to have a lot of a particular quality趋向; 倾向; 趋于:We’re tending towards the view that all students should study English.我们倾向于认为所有的学生都应该学习英语。His views tend towards the extreme.他的观点趋于偏激。[synonym]incline to/towards sth[G]v+prep

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