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testtest[tɛst]'test for sth;'test sb/sth for sth 1.to examine sb/sth to see if a particular substance, etc.is present验﹙成分等﹚;对人﹙或物﹚做……检测﹙或化验、测试等﹚:They are testing for oil in the area.他们正在这个地区勘探石油。She was tested for hepatitis.她接受过肝炎检查。The software has been tested for viruses.这个软件已做过病毒检查。[G]v+prep ◆ v+n/pron+prep,test sb 'out 2.to try to find out what qualities sb has, how they will react in a particular situation,etc.试用,试验,考验﹙某人﹚:My new boss gave me the most difficult clients to deal with. I felt he was really testing me out to see if I would cope.新老板让我去对付那些最棘手的客户。我觉得他在考验我能否应付。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n (less frequent),test sth 'out (on sb/sth) 3.to try an idea, a machine, a product, etc. to see if it works well or if people like it﹙用人或事物﹚做…测试﹙或验证等﹚:Let me test this idea out on you.让我在你身上检验一下这个想法。When you buy a bed, test it out in the shop.买床时要在商店里试一试。[OBJ]idea,theory,equipment[synonym]try sb/sth out (on sb/sth)4.[NOTE]Test sth can also be used with the same meaning. test sth也可作此义。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n

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