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tiretire[tʌɪə]'tire of sb/sth;'tire of doing sth 1.to become bored with sb/sth or begin to enjoy them/it less对……感到厌倦;对……腻烦:They soon tired of the beach and went for a walk.他们很快对海滩腻烦了,便去散步。[G]v+prepnever tire of doing sth 2.to do sth a lot, especially in a way that annoys people没完没了地做某事:Jack travelled all over the world when he was a student, as he never tires of telling us.杰克在学生时代就周游世界,他总是不厌其烦地跟我们说这事。,tire sb 'out; ,tire yourself 'out 3.to make sb/yourself feel very tired使别人﹙或自己﹚筋疲力尽;感疲惫不堪:I took the children to the beach to tire them out.我把孩子们带到海滩去让他们玩得筋疲力尽。Try not to tire yourself out too soon in the race.赛跑时尽量不要过早地把力气用光。[synonym]wear sb/yourself out (with sth)[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n (less frequent),tired 'out adj 4.very tired筋疲力尽的;疲乏不堪的:We finally reached home tired out.我们终于回到家了,疲惫不堪。

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