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tonetone[təʊn],tone sth 'down1.to make sth such as a speech, an opinion, etc. less offensive, critical or harsh than it was originally使﹙讲话、意见等﹚缓和;使温和:He had to tone down his article before it was published.他得在文章发表之前把措辞缓和一下。2.to make sth, especially your clothes, less bright, colourful and noticeable使﹙衣服等﹚暗淡些;使不太艳丽;使不太扎眼:She toned down her style of dress when she started her new job.她开始新工作时穿得庄重了些。3.to make a colour less bright使﹙颜色﹚柔和:We toned down the yellow paint with a little white.我们掺了一点白色使黄漆显得柔和些。Petra used powder to tone down her rosy cheeks.佩特拉在红红的面颊上搽了些粉遮盖一下。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (less frequent),tone 'in (with sth) (BrE)4.to match or fit with the colour or style of sth else﹙与…﹚相配,协调:The cushions tone in well with the carpet.那些埝子和地毯的颜色很协调。The new bridge doesn’t tone in with the buildings around it.新桥和周围的建筑物不谐调。[G]v+adv,tone 'up; ,tone sth 'up5.to make your muscles or a part of your body firmer, stronger, and healthier使﹙肌肉或身体﹚更结实;使更强壮;使更健康:It’s time I toned up and slimmed down.我应该练得健美些了。This exercise will tone up your stomach muscles.这项运动有助于增强你的腹肌。[OBJ]body,muscles[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (less frequent)

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