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tosstoss[tɒs],toss sth a'round (also ,toss sth a'boutespecially BrE)1.to discuss ideas in a casual or general way漫不经心地讨论;泛泛而谈:We sat and tossed around a few suggestions.我们坐着纵谈了几个意见。This is a problem that has been tossed around for more than a century.这个问题议而未决已有一个多世纪了。[synonym]throw sth around[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,toss sth a'side 2.to put sth quickly to one side because you are angry or in a hurry﹙因生气或匆忙﹚把……扔﹙或丢﹚到一边:He tossed aside the newspaper angrily and stood up.他生气地把报纸往旁边一扔,站了起来。( figurative) When he’s bored with people he just tosses them aside.他要是对别人感到厌烦了就置之不理。[synonym]cast sth aside (formal), throw sth aside3.to reject sth such as an attitude, an idea, a way of life, etc.拒绝接受, 摒弃, 排除﹙ 态度、想法、生活方式等﹚:The idea of buying a new car was quickly tossed aside.买新车的想法很快就被抛到一边。[synonym]cast sth aside (formal),throw sth aside[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,toss sth a'way 4.to throw sth away carelessly随意扔掉﹙或丢掉﹚:She finished her drink and tossed the can away.她喝完饮料就随手把罐子扔了。(figurative) He’s tossed away so many opportunities.他丢失了这么多机会。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,toss sth 'back 5.(also ,toss sth 'down less frequent)to drink sth very quickly, especially alcohol很快地喝下﹙尤指酒﹚;灌下:She tossed back glass after glass of champagne.她一杯接一杯地灌香槟酒。He tossed back the rest of his drink and walked out.他把剩下的酒一饮而尽,然后走了出去。[OBJ]drink,whisky,wine,etc. 6.to move sth, especially your head, quickly backwards,especially when you are angry or impatient甩﹙头,表示不高兴﹚:Sam tossed back his head in defiance.萨姆蔑视地扬起头。She tossed back her hair and smiled.她向后甩了甩头发,笑了。[OBJ]hair,head[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv'toss for sth;'toss sb for sth (especially BrE)(BrE also ,toss 'up (for sth)) (AmE also 'flip for sth,'flip sb for sth)7.to make a decision about sth by spinning a coin in the air and seeing which side is on top when it lands﹙给某人﹚掷硬币决定……:We can’t both go, so why don’t we toss for it? 既然咱俩不能都去,为什么不掷硬币决定谁去呢?There’s only one ticket left — I’ll toss you for it.只剩一张票—我要和你掷硬币决定给谁。see also FLIP FOR STH[G]v+prep ◆ v+n/pron+prep,toss 'off; ,toss sb 'off; ,toss yourself 'off8.(BrE, !, slang) to give yourself sexual pleasure by rubbing your sex organs; to give sb else sexual pleasure in this way手淫;对某人行手淫[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,toss sth 'off (especially BrE)9.to do sth quickly,easily and often with little care or effort﹙不加审慎或不费力﹚很快做好:He tossed this novel off in two months.他用了两个月就把小说匆匆写完了。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,toss 'up (for sth) (BrE) =TOSS FOR STH,TOSS SB FOR STHThey tossed up for the best seat.他们掷硬币决定谁坐最好的位子。[G]v+adv'toss-up n 10.[sing.] (informal) a situation where it is difficult to decide between two things, or where there are two possible results两难的局面;难以取捨的事;机会均等的事:It was a tossup between spending the night in the van and walking ten miles for help.在客货车里睡一晚还是走上十英里求援,当时实在是进退两难。

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