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tradetrade[treɪd],trade 'down (to sth) 1.to spend less money on things than you used to降低消费:People are trading down and buying cheaper food.人们都降低消费,购买廉价食物。2.to sell sth large or expensive and buy sth smaller or less expensive卖好买次;卖大的买小的,卖高价的买低价的﹙…﹚:They traded down to a house with fewer bedrooms.他们卖掉房子,买了座少几间卧室的。[opposite]trade up (to sth)[G]v+adv,trade sth 'in (for sth)3.to give sth that you have used to sb you are buying sth new from as part of your payment以旧物折价﹙换新物﹚;折价贴换﹙…﹚:He traded his motorbike in for a new van.他把摩托车折价添钱买了辆新客货车。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'trade-in n 4.a method of buying something by giving a used item as part of the payment for a new one; the used item that you give折价贴换;以旧折价换新;折价旧物:the trade-in value of a car 一辆汽车的折价价值Do you have a tradein?你有折价的旧东西吗?,trade sth 'off (against sth)5.to balance two things or situations that are opposed to each other权衡; 平衡; 使协调:The government were attempting to trade off inflation against unemployment.政府正力求在通货膨胀和失业之间取得平衡。They were willing to trade off information to keep the hostages alive }(= to give information in exchange for their lives)&b{.他们愿意交出信息以换取人质的性命。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (less frequent)'trade-off (between sth and sth) n 6.the act of balancing two things that you need or want but which are opposed to each other﹙在需要而又相互对立的两者间的﹚权衡,协调:a trade-off between inflation and unemployment 通货膨胀和失业之间的平衡There is a trade-off between the benefits of the drug and the risk of side effects.这种药既有好处又有产生副作用的危险。'trade on sth (also 'trade upon sthmore formal,less frequent) (disapproving)7.to unfairly make use of sth for your own advantage用……﹙谋私利﹚:He traded on his father’s name to get himself a job.他利用他父亲的名义为自己弄到了份工作。[synonym]exploit sth[G]v+prep,trade 'up (to sth) 8.to sell sth small or not expensive in order to buy sth larger or more expensive卖次买好;卖小的买大的,卖低价的买高价的﹙……﹚ :He traded up to a larger car.他卖掉汽车,买了辆较大的。[opposite]trade down (to sth)[G]v+adv'trade upon sth =TRADE ON STH

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