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brushbrush[brʌʃ],brush a'gainst/ 'by/ 'past sb/sth 1.to touch sb/sth lightly when you move close to them/it擦…而过;轻轻擦过…:A cat brushed against his leg.一只猫蹭了他的腿。He brushed by/past me and ran out.他和我擦肩而过,跑了出去。[G]v+prep,brush sb/sth a'side 2.to push sb/sth to one side把某人(或某物) 推到一边:She brushed a strand of hair aside.她把一缕头发抹到耳旁。3.to refuse to listen to sb/sth or treat them/it as important不理会某人/某物;漠视:He brushed my protests aside and paid the bill.他不理会我的反对把账结了。Every time I try to explain, you brush me aside.每次我要解释,你都不理我。[synonym]wave sth aside/away;dismiss sb/sthsee also BRUSH SB OFF 1; BRUSH STH OFF 2[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,brush sth a'way (from sth)4.to remove sth from a surface with a brush, your hand, etc.(从…上)掸, 擦掉, 弄开… :She brushed a stray hair away from her face.她拂开脸上的一缕散发。[OBJ]tears,hair,dust 5.to ignore an idea, a thought, etc. because you do not want to think about it or you think it is not important不理会(想法等);不去想:She quickly brushed the idea away.她立刻把这个想法抛到脑后。[synonym]dismiss sth[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,brush 'by sb/sth =BRUSH AGAINST/BY/PAST SB/STH,brush sb/yourself 'down (especially BrE)6.to clean sb/yourself by brushing their/your clothes with your hand, especially after they/you have fallen掸乾净某人/自己(尤指摔跤后拂去衣服上的灰尘) :She stood up and brushed herself down.她站起来把身上的灰尘拍掉。see also BRUSH SB/YOURSELF OFF[G]v+n/pron+adv,brush sth 'down (especially BrE) 7.to clean sth by brushing it thoroughly刷乾净… :Brush your coat down to get the mud off.把你外套上的泥刷乾净。The children were taught how to brush down their ponies.有人桝孩子们如何把他们的小马刷乾净。[OBJ]coat,skirt,etc.see also BRUSH STH OFF 1[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,brush 'off; ,brush sth 'off 8.if mud, dust etc.brushes off, or you brush it off, it is removed by brushing被刷掉;拂去…:Don’t worry about the mud — it’ll brush off easily when it’s dry.别担心那些泥─乾了就容易刷掉。We were able to brush the dirt off quite easily.我们很容易就把尘土掸掉了。[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,brush sb 'off (informal)9.to refuse to listen to sb; to ignore sb in a rude or unkind way不理睬某人:He tried to explain to her, but she brushed him off impatiently.他试图向她解释,可她不耐烦地不搭理他。[synonym]rebuff sb (formal)see also BRUSH SB/STH ASIDE 2 10.to get rid of sb把某人打发走:She couldn’t brush Roger off after the party.聚会之后她没法把罗杰打发走。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'brush-off n (informal) 11.rude or unkind behaviour that shows you do not want to be friendly漠视;不理睬:to give sb the brush-off 不理睬某人,brush sb/yourself 'off 12.to clean sb/yourself by brushing their/your clothes quickly with your hand掸净某人/自己(拂去衣服上的灰尘)see also BRUSH SB/YOURSELF DOWN[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,brush sth 'off13.to clean sth quickly by brushing it(迅速)刷乾净,掸乾净:He picked up his hat and brushed it off quickly.他捡起帽子立刻掸乾净。see also BRUSH STH DOWN 14.to refuse to listen to, discuss or accept sth不理会;拒绝接受:Roberts brushed off allegations of corruption.罗伯茨对指责他贪污的说法均不予理会。She brushed off offers of help from her friends.朋友们主动提出帮忙,她拒绝了。see also BRUSH SB/STH ASIDE 2[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,brush sth 'out 15.to brush sth, especially hair,thoroughly to remove knots or to make it straighter梳开,梳理(头发等):She brushed out her hair, washed her face and got into bed.她把头发梳开,洗脸,然后上床了。[OBJ]hair16.(also ,brush sth 'out of sth) to remove knots,etc. from your hair by brushing梳开(头发的结等):It took half an hour to brush out all the tangles in his hair.用了半个小时才梳开他头发上的所有乱团。[OBJ]tangles,knots[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv 2 }also&b{ v+n/pron+adv+prep,brush 'past sb/sth =BRUSH AGAINST/BY/PAST SB/STH,brush sth 'up; ,brush 'up on sth (especially BrE)17.to study or practise sth in order to get back the skill or knowledge that you had in the past but have not used for some time重温,复习(生疏了的技术或知识):I need to brush up my computer skills.我需要捡起我的计算机技术。You should brush up on your French before you go to France.你去法国之前得温习一下法语。[OBJ]skills,French/English,etc.[synonym]polish sth up;review sth (especially AmE),revise sth (BrE)18.[NOTE]Brush sth up cannot be used in the passive. brush sth up 不用于被动语态。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (less frequent) ◆ v+adv+prep

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