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wearwear[wɛː](wore,worn) ,wear a'way (written)1.if time wears away, it passes very slowly﹙时间﹚慢慢流逝:The afternoon was wearing away.那个下午的时间过得很慢。[synonym]pass by[G]v+adv,wear a'way; ,wear sth a'way 2.to become, or to make sth become thinner, smoother, etc. by continually using or rubbing it﹙因重复使用而﹚变薄,变光滑;磨薄;磨光:The picture on the coin had worn away.硬币上的图画已经磨没了。The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of visitors.成千上万的游客把台阶踏得很光滑。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (rare),wear a'way at sb/sth 3.to slowly and gradually make sth thinner or smoother﹙逐渐﹚磨薄,磨光滑:a drop of water wearing away at a stone渐渐磨损石头的水滴(figurative) Stress can wear away at your ability to think straight.压力会逐步破坏你的逻辑思维能力。[OBJ]stone[synonym]erode sth (more formal)[G]v+adv+prep,wear 'down; ,wear sth 'down4.to become or to make sth become, gradually smaller, thinner,etc. by continuously using or rubbing it﹙ 因重复使用而﹚ 变小, 变光滑; 磨短; 磨薄:The tyres had worn right down.轮胎完全磨损了。The path has been worn down in places to bare rock.这条小路有些地方已经磨得露出了石头。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,wear sb/sth 'down 5.to make sb/sth weaker or less determined, especially by continuously attacking or putting pressure on them/it over a period of time﹙尤指通过不断攻击或施加压力﹚使衰弱,使意志薄弱:Constantly being criticized was wearing her down.她因为不断受到指责而意志消沉。to wear down sb’s patience/ resistance 消磨耐心;削弱抵抗力[synonym]grind sb down[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (rare),wear sth 'in (BrE)6.to wear boots or shoes for a short period of time until they become comfortable把﹙新靴子或鞋子﹚穿得合身;使舒适自如:These boots were so comfortable they didn’t need to be worn in at all.这双靴子很舒服,根本不需要适应。[OBJ]boots,shoes[synonym]break sth in[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,wear 'off 7.if a feeling or an effect wears off, it gradually disappears﹙ 感情或效果﹚ 逐渐消失,消逝,逐渐停止:The effects of the medicine slowly wore off.药效慢慢消失了。Children love new toys, but the novelty soon wears off.孩子喜欢新玩具,但新鲜感很快就过去了。[G]v+adv,wear 'on (written)8.when time wears on, it passes in a way that seems slow﹙时间﹚慢慢地过去:As the evening wore on, she became more and more nervous.随着夜色渐深,她越来越紧张。[G]v+adv,wear 'out; ,wear sth 'out 9.to become, or to make sth become, thin or no longer able to be used,usually because it has been used too much磨薄;穿破;磨损;用坏:Our carpets always seem to wear out quickly.我们的地毯似乎总是很快就磨坏了。I wore out two pairs of boots on the walking trip.我这次徒步旅行穿坏了两双靴子。( figurative) Her patience finally wore out.她终于失去了耐心。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,worn 'out adj 10.badly damaged and no longer useful because it has been used a lot彻底损坏的; 破旧不堪的:worn-out clothes/equipment破烂不堪的衣服;老掉牙的设备see also WORN OUT at WEAR SB/YOURSELF OUT(WITH STH),wear sb/yourself 'out (with sth) 11.to make sb/yourself extremely tired使疲乏;使筋疲力尽; 使厌烦:It’s no good wearing yourself out by working so late.熬夜把自己累垮是不可取的。The kids have worn me out today.孩子们今天把我累坏了。[synonym]tire sb out;exhaust sb (more formal)[G]v+n/pron+adv,worn 'out adj 12.[not usually before noun]extremely tired极度疲劳;精疲力竭:I went to bed feeling worn out after the busy week.忙了一周,我睡下时觉得浑身像散了架。You look worn out! 你看上去筋疲力尽!He died a wornout man overcome by the injustices of life.他去世时已经被生活中的种种不公压得透不过气来。see also WORN OUT at WEAR OUT,WEAR STH OUT

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