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writewrite[rʌɪt](wrote, written) ,write a'way (to sb) (for sth )=WRITE OFF/AWAYI wrote away to the company for a free sample.我向公司函索免费样品。,write 'back (to sb) 1.to write in reply to sb’s letter﹙ 给某人﹚ 写回信, 覆信:I wrote and apologized, but he never wrote back.我写了信道歉,可他从未回覆。The school wrote back to me saying that all the courses were full.学校给我覆信说所有的课程都满额了。[G]v+adv,write sth 'down (in/on sth) 2.to write sth on paper so that you do not forget it写下;记录下:I wrote her address down in my notebook.我把她的住址记在我的笔记本上。There is a handout so you needn’t write all this down.有一份讲义发给你们,不必把这些全记下来。[synonym]take sth down 3.(business 商业) to reduce the value of what a company owns when stating it in the company’s accounts减记,划减﹙资产账面值﹚:All stock over six months old was written down to 50%.所有超过六个月的存货价格都减记50%。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'write-down n 4.(business) a reduction in the value of what a company owns, etc.﹙资产账面值的﹚减记,划减,write 'in (to sb/sth) 5.to write a letter to an organization to state an opinion or to ask a question致函﹙某机构﹚ ﹙表达意见或咨询﹚:Write in to the programme and tell us your own opinion on this.欢迎来函表达有关本节目的意见。500 viewers wrote in to complain about the advertisement. 500 名电视观众写信来投诉这个广告。[G]v+adv,write sb/sth 'in (AmE)6.to add an extra name to a list of candidates in an election so that you can vote for them﹙在选票上﹚写上非原定候选人姓名:She wrote Carrasco in on the ballot paper.她在选票上加上卡拉斯科的名字。Workers were handing out sample ballots with their candidate’s name written in.工人们正在散发模拟选票,上面加了他们所选的非原定候选人名字。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'write-in adj (AmE)7.a vote for sb who is not an official candidate in an election, in which you write their name on your voting paper投给非原定候选人的票:He qualified as a write-in in 15 states.他在15 个州获得了非原定候选人的资格。a write-in candidate/vote 非原定候选人;非原定候选人选票,write sb/sth 'in; ,write sb/sth 'into sth 8.to add a character or a scene to a play, a film/movie,a regular series, etc.把某角色﹙或情节﹚加进戏剧﹙ 或电影、系列电视剧等﹚ :Why did you write the plane crash in? 你为什么要把飞机坠毁的一幕加进去?It was the first time a disabled child had been written into a TV soap.那是电视肥皂剧里首次出现残疾儿童这种角色。He wrote himself into the history books by becoming the first player to win the championship five times.他因创五度夺冠的纪录而名垂青史。[opposite]write sb/sth out,write sb/sth out of sth[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prep,write sth 'in; ,write sth 'into sth 9.to include sth such as a special rule or a condition in a document, a contract, an agreement, etc.把…写入﹙文件、合同、协议等﹚:A yearly visit to both families was written into their marriage contract.他们在婚约里订明每年都去两家拜访。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prep,write 'off/a'way (to sb) (for sth ) 10.to write to an organization or a company, asking them to send you sth致函﹙ 某机构或公司﹚ ﹙索取资料等﹚;函索﹙…﹚:She wrote off to an agency for advice.她去信代理行查询。[synonym]send off (for sth),send away (for sth)[G]v+adv,write sb/sth 'off (as sth) 11.to consider that sb/sth is a failure or not important认定…失败﹙或不重要﹚:Don’t write John off too soon — he may surprise you! 不要过早认为约翰完蛋─他会出乎你意料的! I wrote off my symptoms as tiredness.我以为我的症状是疲劳所致。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'write-off n 12.[sing.] (informal) a failure; a time when you do not achieve anything失败;无所作为:Today has been a write-off as far as work is concerned.今天的工作毫无进展。see also WRITE-OFF at WRITE STH OFF,write sth 'off13.(business) to cancel a debt; to recognize that sth is a failure, has no value, etc.注销,销记﹙账项、资产等﹚;认定…失败﹙或无价值等﹚:All outstanding Third World debts should now be written off.所有未偿清的第三世界债务现在都应该注销了。14.(BrE) to damage a vehicle so badly that it is not worth spending money to repair it把﹙车辆等﹚毁坏;报废:That’s the third car he’s written off this year.这是他今年报废的第三辆汽车。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'write-off n 15.(business ) an act of cancelling a debt and accepting that it will never be paid﹙债项的﹚注销,销记:a £4.9 billion debt write-off 49亿英镑负债的注销16.(BrE, informal) a vehicle that is so badly damaged that it is not considered worth repairing报废车辆:They escaped with minor injuries but the van was a write-off.他们受了点轻伤脱险,可是客货车却报废了。see also WRITE-OFF at WRITE SB/STH OFF (AS STH),write sb/sth 'out; ,write sb/sth 'out of sth17.to remove a character, a scene, etc. from a play, a film/movie, a regular series, etc.去掉﹙戏剧、电影、系列电视剧等中的﹚角色﹙或情节等﹚:He got bored and asked to be written out of the series.他厌烦了,于是要求退出这个系列剧。The censor demanded that the scene be written out.审查员要求把这个情节抹掉。[opposite]write sb/sth in,write sb/sth into sth[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv+prep,write sth 'out 18.to write sth on paper clearly,including all the details把…详细写清楚:Use symbols and abbreviations instead of writing things out in full.用符号和缩写,不要都用全写。I wrote out the poem in my best handwriting.我尽可能把整首诗写得工工整整。I watched him write out a cheque for five thousand pounds for her.我看着他给她开了一张五千英镑的支票。19.In informal spoken language write sb out sth is also used.非正式口语也说write sb out sth :He wrote her out a cheque.他给她开了一张支票。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,write sb 'up (AmE)20.to report sb in writing because they have done sth illegal写传票传唤某人:He wrote me up for illegal parking.他因为我违章停车给我开了罚单。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,write sth 'up 21.to write sth in a complete and final form, especially from notes that you have made﹙尤指利用笔记﹚详细写出:She writes her lecture notes up every night before going out.她每晚外出之前都把讲课笔记整理成文。[OBJ]notes,research,experiment22.to write a review of a play, a concert, a book, etc. for a newspaper or magazine为﹙戏剧、音乐会、书等﹚写评述,写评论:She wrote the movie up in glowing terms.她在评述中高度赞赏这部影片。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'write-up n 23.a review of a concert, a play, a book,etc. in a newspaper or magazine﹙报刊上对音乐会、戏剧、书等的﹚评述,评论,评介:The concert got a good write-up in all the papers.音乐会获得报章一致的好评。

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