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callcall[kɔːl]1.[NOTE]To call is the most common way to say ‘to telephone’ in American English. It is also used in British English, but to phone and to ring are more common.美国英语最常用to call 表示打电话。它也用于英国英语,但不及to phoneto ring 常用。,call a'round; ,call a'round sb/sth (AmE)2.to telephone a number of different people, usually to try to get information四处(给…)打电话:He’s been calling around trying to get the best price on a computer.他正四下打电话,想找到买计算机的最优价格。I called around the neighbourhood to get support for my campaign.我给左邻右舍打电话,请他们支持我发起的运动。[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep,call sb a'way 3.to ask sb to stop doing what they are doing and go somewhere else to deal with sth把…叫到别处去(做别的事);叫走:He was called away to the phone.有人叫他去接电话。She was called away from the meeting to deal with an emergency.她被叫出会场去处理紧急情况。4.[NOTE]Call sb away is almost always used in the passive. call sb away 几乎总是用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv,call 'back (BrE)5.to visit sb again再次拜访;回访:I’ll call back later when your wife’s at home.回头等你夫人在家时我再来拜访。[G]v+adv,call 'back; ,call sb 'back 6.to telephone sb again or to telephone sb who telephoned you earlier(给…)再打电话,回电话:Call back in an hour — he’ll be here then.一小时之后再打电话吧─他就回来了。Kate phoned. Can you call her back? 凯特来电话了。你给她回电话好吗? I’ll call you back with the details later.我回头再给你打电话,告诉你详细情况。[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv'callback n 7.a device in a telephone that automatically calls again a number that was busy when you first called it(电话中的)自动重拨装置:a callback facility 自动重拨功能8.a telephone call that you make to sb who has called you earlier回电话,call sb 'back 9.to shout to sb to turn around and come back to a place they have just left把…喊回来;喊回:I ran off, but he called me back.我撒腿就跑,可他把我喊回去。We started to walk off but were called back by the police officer.我们拔腿走开,可被警察喊了回去。10.to ask sb who is applying for a job, etc. to return so that you can talk to them again通知(求职者)回来(再谈):Three people were called back for a second interview.请了三个人来进行第二次面试。[G]v+n/pron+adv,call 'by (informal, especially BrE)11.to visit a place or a person for a short time, usually when you are going somewhere else(顺道)拜访:Could you call by on your way home? 你回家时进来坐坐吧?Jan called by to bring your gift.简给你送了份礼物来。[synonym]drop by[G]v+adv,call sb 'down12.to shout to sb to ask them to come down from a place which is higher than you喊(某人)下来:I’ve called him down }(= to come downstairs)&b{ to breakfast already.我已经喊他下楼吃早餐了。[G]v+n/pron+adv,call sth 'down (on/upon sb) (literary)13.to pray that sth unpleasant will happen to sb because of sth bad they have done to you; to make sth bad happen to sb祈求某人受惩罚;诅咒;使某人遭殃:He called down curses on them.他诅咒他们。[OBJ]curses,wrath[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv'call for sb (BrE)14.to go to sb’s home, for example,and take them or go with them somewhere(去…家里等)接某人:Shall I call for you at eight? 我八点钟来接你好吗?[G]v+prep'call for sth 15.if a situation calls for a particular action or quality, it needs or requires it需要(行动或素质):This calls for a celebration! 那得庆祝一下!What she’s doing calls for great skill and courage.她的工作需要很高的技能和勇气。16.Call for sth can be used in the passive. call for sth 可用于被动语态:Tougher action by the government is called for.政府应该采取更加严厉的行动。[G]v+prepun'called for adj 17.(of remarks or behaviour话语或行为) not fair or necessary in the circumstances不公正的;不必要的:I shall ignore that uncalled-for remark.我不会理会那句不负责任的话的。'call for sth;'call for sb/sth to do sth 18.to demand publicly that sth should be done(公开)要求;(向…)呼吁…:The group has called for a boycott of the elections.这个集体呼吁大家抵制选举。The other directors have called for him to resign.其他领导人已要求他辞职。19.Call for sth can be used in the passive. call for sth 可用于被动语态:A total ban on nuclear weapons has been called for.人们呼吁全面禁止核武器。[G]v+prep ◆ v+prep+n/pron+to inf,call sth 'forth ( formal) 20.to produce a particular reaction引起;使产生:Her remarks have called forth harsh criticism in the media.她的话引发了媒体的严厉批评。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (rare),call 'in 21.[+adv/prep ] (especially BrE) to visit a place or a person for a short time, usually when you are going somewhere else(顺路)拜访:He called in at the office before he left for London.他动身去伦敦之前顺便来办公室看了看。She often calls in for a chat.她经常进来聊天。[synonym]drop in (on sb/at…) (informal)22.to telephone the place where you work打电话来(工作单位):She called in sick this morning }(= telephoned to say that she was ill/sick and would not be coming to work)&b{.她今天早晨打电话来请病假。23.to make a telephone call to a radio or television programme打电话到(电台或电视节目) :Many listeners called in to complain.很多听众打电话来投诉。[G]v+adv'call-in n (AmE)24.a television or radio show in which people can phone to talk to people on the show, ask questions, give their opinions, etc.(电视或电台的)电话节目:a call-in show 直播电视节目,call sb 'in 25.to ask sb to come and help, give advice,repair sth, etc.召来, 叫来(服务等) :He’s threatened to call in the police.他威胁说要叫警察。You’ll have to call a plumber in to look at this.你必须请水暖工来瞧瞧。Bomb disposal experts were called in to get rid of the device.请来了炸弹处理专家销毁这个装置。[OBJ]police,expert[synonym]send for sb[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,call sth 'in (BrE)26.to order or request the return of sth, especially a product that has a fault下令收回,要求退回(尤指有毛病的产品):The manufacturers have called in the faulty goods.制造商已收回有毛病的货品。The bank have called in the loan }(= asked for the money to be paid back)&b{ immediately.银行已要求立即归还贷款。[synonym]recall sth (more formal)[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,call sb/sth 'off 27.to order soldiers, dogs, etc. to stop attacking sb, searching for sb/sth, etc.把(士兵等)叫走(不再搜查等);把(狗等)叫开:Please call your dog off.请把你的狗叫走。[OBJ]dog[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,call sth 'off 28.to cancel or abandon sth that has been planned or that has already started取消;停止进行:The meeting was called off at the last minute.会议在最后一分钟取消了。They’ve called off their engagement }(= they have decided not to get married)&b{.他们已经解除婚约。Police called off the search for the climbers at dusk.黄昏时警方停止了对登山者的搜救。[OBJ]match/game,engagement/wedding,deal,search,strike[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv'call on sb29.(especially BrE) to visit sb for a short time短暂拜访(某人):On our way back, we called on grandma.我们在回家的路上去看了看祖母。[synonym]drop in (on sb/at …)30.(AmE) to ask sb in a class, etc. to answer a question or give their opinion请(课堂上的学生等)回答提问(或发表意见):The math teacher always calls on the boys.数学老师总是要男同学回答提问。[G]v+prep'call on/upon sth ( formal) 31.to use your strength,courage, etc. in order to achieve sth or deal with a problem尽力,鼓起勇气(为争取某事物或处理某问题):She had to call on all her reserves of courage to face the ordeal.她不得不鼓足勇气直面这一严峻考验。[OBJ]strength,courage[G]v+prep'call on/upon sb to do sth ( formal) 32.to make a serious or urgent request to sb to do sth(严肃或迫切地)请求,要求,要(某人做某事):I’m available in case I’m called on to help.如果需要帮忙,我随叫随到。We call upon all parties to respect the results of the election.我们要求所有党派尊重选举结果。33.to formally invite or request sb to speak, etc.邀请,要求(某人讲话等);恭请:I now call upon Mr. Spring to give the vote of thanks.现在请斯普林先生致谢辞。34.Call on/upon sb to do sth can be used in the passive. call on/upon sb to do sth 可用于被动语态:I was called on to make a speech.我被邀请讲话。[G]v+prep+n/pron+to inf,call 'out (to sb), ,call sth 'out (to sb) 35.to shout or say sth loudly in order to get sb’s attention or help(向某人)呼喊,喊…:He called out to her, but she carried on walking.他大声喊她,但她继续走她的路。He woke in the night, calling out her name.他夜里醒来,呼唤着她的名字。They called out the numbers of the winning tickets.他们高声宣布中奖的票号。[OBJ]name[synonym]shout out (to sb), shout sth out (to sb) 36.[NOTE]Call/call sth can be used with a similar meaning, but call out/call sth out suggests sth louder or more urgent.表达相近含义可用call/call sth ,但call out/call sth out 含较大声和迫切之意。[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+adv+speech,call sb 'out 37.to ask sb to come to help you,when there is an emergency召唤某人(帮忙或立即行动):I’ve never had to call the doctor out at night before.我以前从来没有在夜里请过医生。We had to call out an electrician.我们得叫来电工。Troops were called out to deal with the riot.已召集部队来镇压骚乱。[OBJ]doctor,fire brigade,electrician 38.to order or ask workers to stop work as a protest下令罢工; 通知罢工:Miners were called out on strike by union leaders.工会领导人号召矿工罢工。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'call-out n (BrE)39.an occasion when you ask sb to come to help you in an emergency(紧急)求援,求助:ambulance call-outs 叫救护车How much is the plumber’s call-out charge? 请水暖工上门要花多少钱?40.[NOTE]The noun call is also used.也可用名词call,call 'out for sth (AmE)41.to telephone a shop,store, restaurant, etc. to ask them to deliver food to you at home or at work(打电话)叫外卖:Let’s call out for pizza.我们打电话要外卖比萨饼吧。[synonym]send out for sth[G]v+adv+prep,call sb 'over 42.to call sb to come over to where you are, because you want to speak to them, give or show them sth, etc.叫来;让(某人)来:Call the waiter over.叫服务员过来。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n (rare),call 'round (BrE)43.to visit sb at their home for a short time(到别人家里)短暂拜访:I just called round to say hello.我刚进去问候了一声。[synonym]drop round[G]v+adv,call 'up; ,call sb/sth 'up (especially AmE)44.to make a phone call to a person or a place打电话(给某人或到某处):Call up and make a reservation for 8 o’clock.打电话预订8点钟的位子。She called him up from the bus station.她在公共汽车站给他打电话。Call up the office and ask for Mr. Morgan.打电话到办公室找摩根先生。45.[NOTE]Call and call sb are also frequently used with this meaning. Call up and call sb up are very common in spoken English.此义也常作callcall sb 。英语口语经常说call upcall sb up[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,call sb 'up 46.to officially ask sb to go to do training in the army, navy or air force or to fight in a war徵召(服役);徵召入伍:When the war began, he was too old to be called up.战争开始的时候他年纪太大,不能应徵。[synonym]conscript sb (especially BrE),draft sb (AmE)47.(especially BrE) to ask sb to join sth or take part in sth; to choose sb to play in a team选入,徵调(运动员):He’s been called up for next week’s match.他已入选参加下个星期的比赛。48.[NOTE]Call sb up is often used in the passive. call sb up 常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'call-up n 49.an official order to join the army,navy or air force徵兵令; 徵召令:call-up papers/camps 徵集令;徵集营50.(especially BrE,sport) an official invitation to play in a team or in a particular game(运动员的)选调函,徵调函,call sth 'up 51.(computing) to obtain information that is stored on a computer调用贮存; 调出备用:She called up all the files he had worked on.她调出他处理过的所有文件。[OBJ]file,information52.to bring sth back to your mind; to make you remember and think about sth使回忆起;使想起:The sound of their laughter called up memories of his own childhood.他们的笑声唤起了他童年的回忆。[OBJ]memory[synonym]recall sth (formal)53.to use a quality that you have发挥,利用(素质) :He called up all his reserves of courage.他鼓足勇气。[OBJ]reserves[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv'call upon sth =CALL ON/UPON STH 'call upon sb to do sth =CALL ON/UPON SB TO DO STH

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