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carvecarve[kɑːv],carve sth 'out 1.(also ,carve sth 'out of sth)(geology) to make a physical feature in the earth’s surface over a long period of time through the action of water, ice, weather, etc.形成(地貌):The valley was carved out by glaciers.这片峡谷是冰川形成的。2.[NOTE]In this meaning carve sth out is often used in the passive. carve sth out 作此义时常用于被动语态。3.(for yourself) to build a successful career,a good reputation, etc., often with difficulty or hard work闯出(自己的路等):She carved out a unique niche for herself in the music business.她终于在乐坛上赢得一席之地。He’s carved out a successful career in the building industry.他在建筑业干出了一番事业。[OBJ]career,name,niche[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv 1 also v+n/pron+adv+prep,carve sb/sth 'up (BrE, informal)4.to wound sb or their face badly with a knife用刀伤害(某人);用刀划伤(某人的脸):He got carved up outside the pub last night.他昨天夜里在酒馆外遭人用刀刺伤。5.to go past a moving vehicle ahead of you and then suddenly move in front of it in a dangerous way超车抢道:I was carved up by a lunatic in a Porsche.一个开保时捷的疯子超车抢了我的道。We saw the van carve up several cars, before turning left.我们看见货车抢了几辆车的道之后左拐。[OBJ]person,car[synonym]cut sb/sth up (BrE)[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,carve sth 'up 6.to divide a company, an area of land, etc. into parts and share them out划分;分割; 瓜分:They carved the territory up into three provinces.他们把领土划分为三个省。The thieves hurriedly carved up the loot.窃贼匆忙瓜分了赃物。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv'carve-up n 7.[sing.] (BrE, informal) the act of dividing sth up into parts and sharing them out划分;瓜分

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