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centre (BrE) (AmE center)词组,隐喻,短语

centre (BrE) (AmE center)

centre (BrE) (AmE center)centre (BrE) (AmE center)'centre around sb/sth;'centre sth around sb/sth (BrE also 'centre round sb/sth, 'centre sth round sb/sth) 1.to be, or make sb/sth, the most important person or thing around which most activity takes place围绕,环绕(某人或事情等);以…为中心;把…作为…的中心:The debate centres around the question of power.争论的焦点是权力问题。The case centred around the couple’s adopted children.论据围绕这对夫妇领养的孩子们。Her life was centred entirely around her family.她的生活完全以家庭为中心。The nightlife of the town is largely centred around the hotels.城市的夜生活大多集中在旅馆区。2.[NOTE]Centre sth around/round sb/sth is often used in the passive. centre sth around/round sb/sth 常用于被动语态。[G]v+prep ◆ v+n/pron+prep'centre on sb/sth;'centre sth on sb/sth (also 'centre upon sb/sth, 'centre sth upon sb/sth more formal) 3.to give a lot of attention or thought to one particular activity, idea or person,etc.把注意力(或思想)集中于…:The discussions centred on the hostage issue.讨论围绕着人质这一问题进行。Public interest centred largely on the team’s stars.公众关心的主要是这个队的明星。The group has centred its attention on the need for reform.这个组主要关注改革的必要性。His research is centred on the effects of unemployment.他的研究环绕着失业带来的影响。4.[NOTE]Centre sth on/upon sb/sth is often used in the passive. centre sth on/upon sb/sth 常用于被动语态。[G]v+prep ◆ v+n/pron+prep

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