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changechange[tʃeɪn(d)ʒ],change sb/sth a'round (especially AmE)=CHANGE SB/STH ROUND,change 'back 1.(into sth) to take off your clothes and put on what you were wearing earlier换上(原来穿的衣服):I’ll just change back into my tracksuit.我这就换上刚才穿的运动服。2.(into/to sb/sth) to return to an earlier state or form恢复原状;还原;复原:When you double click on SELECT, the screen changes back to the main design screen.双击“选项”,屏幕就返回主设计屏。Slowly the angry animal changed back into its normal calm self.发怒的动物慢慢恢复正常的温顺本性。[G]v+adv,change sth 'back (into/to sth) 3.to exchange an amount of money into the system of money (currency) that it was in before把(钱)换成(原货币):Can I change these dollars back into sterling? 我可以把这些美元兑换回英镑吗?[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n (less frequent),change 'down (into/to sth) (BrE) 4.to move the stick that controls the speed in a vehicle into a position suitable for slower speeds (a lower gear) (开车等)换低一挡,换成低速挡,减速:Change down into second as you approach the corner.接近街角时把车速调低到第二挡。[opposite]change up (into/to sth)[G]v+adv,change 'into sth 5.to put on different clothes换上(衣服):We quickly changed into our swimsuits.我们迅速换上了游泳衣。I didn’t bring anything to change into.我没带换洗衣服。[G]v+prep,change 'into sth; ,change sb/sth 'into sth6.to change, or to make sb/sth change, into sth different(使)变成,变为…:The castle has changed into a hotel.城堡改成了旅馆。The handsome prince was changed into a frog.英俊的王子给变成了青蛙。[synonym]turn into sth,turn sb/sth into sth[G]v+prep ◆ v+n/pron+prep,change 'out of sth 7.to take off the clothes you are wearing and put on different ones更换, 换掉(衣服);更衣:I must change out of these wet clothes before I get a chill.我必须把这些湿衣服换掉,免得受凉。She changed out of her suit as soon as she came home.她一回到家就换下了套装。[G]v+adv+prep,change 'over 8.(from sth) (to sth) to stop using one system or thing and start using another改用系统(或事物) :The magazine changed over from pink paper to white in 1917.杂志于1917年把粉色纸张改换为白色。We’re changing over to a new computer system.我们正要改用新的计算机系统。[synonym]switch over (from sth) (to sth) 9.(to sth) (BrE) to change from watching one television channel to watching another变换(电视频道):I changed over to BBC1 to see the football.我换到了英国广播电视台第1台收看足球赛。Can we change over? 我们换一下频道好吗? [synonym]switch over (from sth) (to sth) ;turn over (to sth)[G]v+adv'changeover n 10.a change from one system or thing to another(制度或其他事物的)过渡:The changeover to the new system will take place gradually.将循序渐进地过渡到新制度。a changeover period 过渡时期,change 'over/ 'round (BrE)11.if two peoplechange over/round, they move to where the other person was before or do what the other person was doing对调,对换(位置或所做的事):Can you and Phil change round? You’re too tall to stand in the front row.你和菲尔对换一下好吗?你太高,不能站在前排。When you get tired of driving we can change over.要是你开车累了我们可以换着开。[synonym]swap around/over/round (informal, especially BrE)[G]v+adv,change sb/sth 'round (especially BrE)(AmE usually ,change sb/sth a'round) 12.to move objects,such as furniture, or people into different positions变换(人或傢具等)的位置:Who’s changed the desks around? 谁挪动桌子了? You’re always changing this room round! }(= making it look different by moving the furniture,etc.)&b{你总是把房间里的傢具调来换去。The Yankees keep changing their players around.杨基队一直在调整队员的位置。[OBJ]room,furniture[synonym]swap sb/sth around/over/round (especially BrE)[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n (less frequent),change 'up (into/to sth) (BrE) 13.to move the stick that controls the speed in a vehicle into a position suitable for faster speeds (a higher gear) (开车等) 换高一挡, 换成高速挡, 加速:Change up into fourth gear now.现在把车速调高到第四挡。[opposite]change down (into/to sth)[G]v+adv

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