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checkcheck[tʃɛk],check 'in 1.(at sth) to go to an official desk at a hotel, an airport, etc. and tell sb that you have arrived(在旅馆、机场等)登记,报到:After checking in, we went out for a meal.我们登记之后就出去吃饭了。You must check in at desk 25 an hour before take-off.你务必在飞机起飞前一小时到25 号台办理登机手续。see also CHECK INTO STH 1 2.(with sb) (especially AmE) to contact sb to let them know where you are or what you are doing(向某人)汇报,报告(自己的方位或工作):I have to check in with my boss every three hours.我必须每三小时向老板汇报一次。[synonym]report in (to sb/sth)[G]v+adv'check-in n 3.[U] the act of telling an official at an airport that you have arrived, showing them your ticket, etc.办理登机手续:the check-in desk办理登机手续的柜台 4.[C] [U] the place at an airport where you go to say you have arrived, show your ticket, etc.登机手续办理处:There were long queues at the check-in.办理登记手续的地方排起长队。,check sb 'in 5.to take sb’s name when they arrive at a hotel or an airport, look at their ticket, etc.(在旅馆、机场等)为某人登记;给某人办入住(或登机)手续:Write all the names of the guests in this book as they are checked in.给客人办手续时把他们的名字都记在这个本子里。All the passengers have been checked in.已为所有乘客办妥登机手续。[OBJ]guests,passengers[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,check sth 'in 6.to leave or accept bags, cases, etc.to be put on a plane or a train託运(行李):When we arrived at the airport we checked our bags in straight away.我们到达机场后就直接託运了我们的包。[OBJ]luggage,bags[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,check 'into sth 7.to arrive at a hotel, private hospital, etc. to begin your stay there登记入住(旅馆、私人医院等):I arrived in Boston and checked into my hotel.我到波士顿后住到了预订的旅馆。She’s checked into a private clinic for drug rehabilitation.她住进了一私人诊所戒毒。[OBJ]hotel,motel,clinic[synonym]book into sth[opposite]check out of sthsee also CHECK IN 1 8.to try to find out more about sth or discover the true facts about sth调查:The police are checking into the cause of the crash.警方在调查飞机坠毁的原因。[synonym]look into sth[G]v+prep,check sth 'off 9.to put a mark beside items on a list to show that they are correct, present or have been dealt with在(清单项目)上做记号(表示正确、存在或已处理);核对:I’ve checked off all the furniture on the list.我核对了清单上的所有傢具。He checked everyone’s name off as they arrived.他在每位来宾的姓名上都打了漖。[synonym]tick sth off10.(especially AmE) to put a mark in a box on a document to give an answer to a question, choose sb/sth, etc.(在文件核选框中)做记号(做出回答、选择等);漖出:Some voters wrote in names instead of checking off the candidates listed.有些选民填写了姓名,而不是漖出所列的候选人。11.[NOTE]Check sth is usually used with this meaning. check sth 通常作此义。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv'check on sb/sth 12.to make sure that sb is safe,happy, etc. or that sth is progressing as it should be核实,检查(是否正常等):I’ll just check on dinner.我来看看晚饭好了没有。The doctor visited every day to check on my progress.医生每天来检查我的进展情况。[OBJ]progress,children,patient 13.to find out if sth is true or correct,especially sth that sb has said about themselves核实,调查(尤指个人资料):Do you always check on future employees? 你总是对要雇用的人进行调查吗?Will you check on his address? 你核实一下他的住址好吗? see also CHECK UP14.Check on sb/sth can be used in the passive. check on sb/sth 可用于被动语态:The children were put to bed and then not checked on again.孩子们被安排睡下之后就没有再检查了。15.Check sth can also be used with these meanings. check sth 也可作这些含义。[G]v+prep,check 'out (especially AmE)16.if facts, etc. check out, they can be shown to be correct or true(事实等)经得起查证,言之成理:His story doesn’t check out.他的说法没有依据。[SUBJ]story,reference[G]v+adv,check 'out; ,check 'out of sth 17.(AmE, informal, becoming old-fashioned) to leave a place or finish an activity离开(某地);结束(活动):The climb was too difficult so I checked out early.这次登山太艰难,所以我早早地放弃了。He can’t just check out on us like that! 他不能就这样离开我们!Let’s check out of here.咱们离开这儿吧。18.to leave a hotel, a hospital, etc. where you have been staying结账离开(旅馆等);出院:She checked out this morning.她今天上午退房了。He decided to check out of the hospital and go home.他决定办理出院回家。[OBJ]hotel,motel,hospital[opposite]check in;check into sth[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+prep'checkout n (AmE) 19.[U] the act or time of leaving a hotel at the end of your stay结账离开旅馆;退房时间:Checkout is 10 a.m.退房时间为上午10点。checkout time 退房时间see also CHECKOUT at CHECK OUT,CHECK SB OUT,check 'out; ,check sb 'out (AmE)20.if youcheck out in a shop/store, or sb checks you out,you find out how much you have to pay and give sb the money(在商店)结账,为某人结账:You can check out at aisle eight.您可以在第八通道结账。The girl who checked me out looked at me strangely.给我结账的姑娘奇怪地打量了我一下。[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv'checkout n 21.the place where you pay for the goods you are buying in a supermarket(超市的)付款处:There were huge queues at the checkout.付款处排起了长队。a supermarket checkout超市付款处see also CHECKOUT at CHECK OUT,CHECK OUT OF STH,check sb/sth 'out22.(especially AmE) to find out if sth is true or correct or if sb is honest, truthful,reliable, etc.调查;查证;核实:Check him out before you give him the job.先调查一下再雇用他。Police have checked out his story.警方已经核实了他的叙述。We need to check out whether the company is reliable.我们需要查证这家公司是否可靠。[OBJ]story,claim,company23.(informal, especially AmE) to look at sb/sth because they/it seem interesting or attractive察看,观察(有趣或有吸引力的事物):Check out our new fashion range! 看一看我们的新时装系列吧!It’s worth checking out that new restaurant.那家新餐厅值得一试。Check out that gorgeous guy over there! 看看那边的帅小伙![G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,check sth 'out (AmE)24.to borrow sth such as a book or a video from a library(从图书馆等)借出:I checked out three books from the library.我从图书馆借了三本书。[OBJ]book,video[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,check sb/sth 'over 25.to examine a person or an animal to make sure that they are healthy; to examine a machine, etc. to make sure it is working correctly为(人或动物)做体检;检查(机器运行等):The doctor would like to check you over.医生想给你做体检。I got the car checked over before the trip.我上路之前检查了汽车。[synonym]look sb/sth over;examine sb/sth (more formal)[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,check sth 'over (also ,check 'through sth) 26.to examine sth written or printed carefully to make sure that it is correct仔细检查;核对;校对:I’ve got to check over my work for spelling before I hand it in.交作业前我得仔细检查是否有拼写错误。You should get someone to check the letter over for you.你应该找人帮你把信校对一下。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv(less frequent) ◆ v+prep,check 'through sth (also ,check it, them, etc. 'through less frequent) =CHECK STH OVER Check through your notes carefully.仔细检查你的笔记。There were 23 files to look at, and Tim spent half his day checking through them all.有23 份文件需要看,蒂姆花了半天时间全部检查完。27.[NOTE]A noun must always follow through . A pronoun can come between the verb and through or after through .名词必须放在through 之后,代词可放在动词和through 之间。[G]v+prep ◆ v+pron+adv (less frequent),check 'up(especially BrE)28.(on sb) to make sure that sb is doing what they should be doing,or that what they have said about themselves is true监督;督促;调查,核实(某人的话):They always check up on prospective employees.他们总是对可能雇用的人进行调查。I won’t have you checking up on me like that! 我不允许你那样监督我!I’d better check up to see the kids are OK.我最好去看看孩子们还好吧。29.(on sth) to find out if sth is true or correct; to find out what is happening查证,核实(某事):I think the train’s at ten o’clock, but I’ll phone the station to check up.我想火车十点钟发车,可我得给车站打电话核实一下。I went to the library to check up on a few things.我去图书馆查阅了一些资料。30.[NOTE]Check and check sth can also be used with these meanings. checkcheck sth 也可作这些含义。see also CHECK ON SB/STH[G]v+adv'check-up n 31.an examination by your doctor to see how healthy you are体格检查;体检:to go for a check-up 去做体检a routine check-up常规体检

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