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chokechoke[tʃəʊk],choke sth 'back 1.to try to stop yourself from showing a strong emotion, or saying sth that might upset sb忍住,抑制住,克制住(强烈的感情或要说的话):He choked back his tears.他强忍住眼泪。A protest rose to her lips, but she choked it back.她很想提抗议,但话到嘴边又咽了下去。[OBJ]tears,sob(s)2.[NOTE]Choke sth back is not used in the passive. choke sth back 不用于被动语态。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,choke sth 'off 3.to prevent or stop sth阻止;妨碍;窒息:High interest rates have choked off investment.高利率窒碍了投资。[OBJ]demand,investment 4.to stop or interrupt sth使…停止(或中断) :His words were choked off by the sudden screams.突如其来的尖叫声打断了他的讲话。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,choke 'up; ,choke sb 'up 5.to become, or to make sb, so upset that you/they are unable to speak(使难过得)哽噎,说不出话来:That song really chokes me up.我听到那首歌时简直泣不成声。He gets choked up just remembering the day she left.一想起她离开的那天他就哽噎着说不出话来。6.[NOTE]Choke sb up is usually used in the passive with be or get. choke sb up 通常与beget连接,用于被动语态。[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv

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