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comecome[kʌm](came/come) ,come a'bout 1.to happen发生:It’s hard to understand how the accident came about.很难理解事故是怎样发生的。Can you tell us how it came about that you decided to strike? 你能告诉我你们为什么决定罢工的吗?[synonym]happen[G]v+adv2.(also ,come'through) [+adv/prep] (of an idea, an opinion ora feeling想法、意见或感情) to be expressedclearly and understood easily传达:Do you think the film’s message comes across clearly? 你认为这部电影清楚传递了信息吗?These themes come across very strongly in the novel.这些主题在小说中表述得淋漓尽致。I could tell she was frightened. It came over in her voice.我看得出她很害怕。这从她的声音中很容易听出来。The feeling of solidarity among the people really came through.人们之间的团结之情十分明显。3.(AmE also ,come 'off informal) [+adv/prep ] (as sth) to make a particular impressionon people给人以…印象;使产生…印象:She comes across well in interviews.她在面试中常给人留下很好的印象。At the press conference, he came over as cool and confident.他在新闻发布会上给人的印象是冷静自信。[G]v+adv,come a'cross(with sth) (informal) 4.to provide orsupply sth that sb asks for, especially money提供,给予(所要求的,尤指金钱):They eventually came across with another $250 000.他们最后又提供了25万元。We still hope the company will come across for us.我们依然希望公司给予我们所需。[G]v+adv,come a'cross; ,come a'cross sth 5.to cross aroom, a road, a river, etc. towards the placewhere the speaker is走过(房间、道路、河等)到说话者处;过来:When you’ve done your homework, come across to my house and we’ll listen to some music.你写完作业之后就来我家,我们听听音乐。She waved and came across the room to talk to me.她向我招招手,然后从房间那边走过来和我说话。[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep,come a'cross sb/sth 6.to meet or find sb/sth bychance, without having planned or thoughtabout it(偶然)遇见,碰见,发现:He’s the most unpleasant man I’ve ever come across.他是我见到过的最令人厌恶的男人。She came across a pile of old photographs while she was clearing the attic.她打扫阁楼时偶然发现了一沓旧照片。[synonym]encounter sb/sth (formal)[G]v+prep,come 'after sb/sth 7.to chase or follow a personor an animal to try to catch them追赶;追逐;跟在…后面:The farmer came after them, threatening to call the police.农夫一边追赶他们一边威胁说要报警。[G]v+prep,come a'long 8.to arrive or appear somewhere;to start to exist, happen or be available到达;抵达;出现:It’s lucky you came along when you did or I’d have been stranded at the bus stop for an hour! 真幸运那时你到了,否则我就得在公共汽车站耗上一小时!When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.适当的机会来临时,他会抓住的。There are new designs coming along.新款式即将面世。[synonym]turn up9.togo somewhere with sb跟随; 一起来:We’re going to the pub. Do you want to come along?我们要去酒吧。你想一起来吗?You’d better come along with me to the police station.你最好跟我去趟警察局。10.=COME ON 4 11.come along!(especially BrE) =COME ON 1[G]v+adv,come a'long; ,come a'long sth 12.to move forwardor from one end of sth to the other, towardsthe speaker(沿…)过来:I waited for ages for a bus, then three came along together! 我等公共汽车等了好半天,然后一下子来了三辆!The lorry was coming along the road at great speed.大货车沿着马路高速开了过来。[OBJ]road[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep,come a'part 13.to break or fall into pieces破碎;破裂:The teapot just came apart in my hands.茶壶就在我手中裂开了。(figurative) After the first act, the play begins to come apart at the seams (= have a lot of problems).第一幕过后,这齣戏就开始问题百出。[synonym]fall apart[G]v+adv,come a'round (especially AmE)=COME ROUND,come a'round; ,come a'round sth (especially AmE) =COME ROUND,COME ROUND STH,come a'round sth (BrE also ,come 'round sth)14.to move or travel around a corner绕(拐角);走弯道:The bus came round the bend too fast.公共汽车在弯道处开得太快。[OBJ]only corner,bend [G]v+prep'come at sb 15.to move towards sb as if you are going to attack them逼近,迫近(某人):She came at me with a knife.她拿着刀子向我扑过来。(figurative) The questions came at me so fast that I didn’t have time to think about them.问题像连珠炮一般向我袭来,以至于我无暇思考。[G]v+prep'come at sth 16.to approach, think about or try to deal with a question, problem, etc. in a particular way处理,应付(问题、困难等):We’re getting nowhere. Let’s try coming at the problem from a different angle.我们这样会毫无进展。还是换个角度考虑这个难题吧。[OBJ]problem[G]v+prep,come a'way; ,come a'way from sth 17.to leave a place or a person离开;离去:Come away, now. There’s nothing to see.走吧。没什么可看的。Jane came away from the meeting feeling angry and upset.简又气又难过地离开了会场。18.to become separated from sth分离;脱离:He pulled at the door handle until it came away in his hands.他用手拽门把,最后把它拽了下来。The plaster had started to come away from the wall.灰泥已开始从墙上脱落。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+prep,come a'way with sth 19.to leave a place with a particular feeling, impression or result带着(某种感觉、印象或结果)离开:She came away from the championship with three medals.她从锦标赛上拿走了三枚奖牌。We came away with the impression that something was wrong.我们离去时觉得有些不对劲。[G]v+adv+prep,come 'back 20.to return to the place where the speaker is回来;返回:Come back here at once! 马上回到这儿! Did she say when she was coming back? 她说过何时回来吗? Why don’t you come back to my place for a coffee? 为什么不来我这里喝杯咖啡呢?They came back from the trip relaxed and happy.他们旅行回来时轻松快活。She went into the kitchen and came back with two glasses of milk.她进厨房去拿来两杯牛奶。We’ll come back for the car tomorrow.我们明天回来取汽车。(figurative) Liverpool came back from being 2-0 down to win the game.利物浦队在落后0 :2的情况下将比分扳回,最终获胜。[synonym]return (more formal)21.to begin to exist or happen again再次出现(或发生);恢复:My headache has come back again.我的头疼病又犯了。Her confidence is starting to come back slowly.她正慢慢恢复自信。[synonym]return[opposite]go away 22.to return to school or work after a break(休假后)返校,回去工作:Do you know when Bill is coming back to work? 你知道比尔何时回来上班吗?23.to become popular, successful or fashionable again再受欢迎;再次成功;再度流行:Punk hairstyles are coming back into fashion .又在流行鬅客发式了。Punk hairstyles are coming back in .又在流行鬅客发式了。Do you think trams will come back? 你认为有轨电车会再时兴吗?24.(of a message or a reply 信息或答覆) to be given in answer to a message,letter, etc. that you have sent or a question that you have asked返回;答覆:I sent her an email and a message came back that she was away.我给她发了个电子邮件,收到返回信息说她外出了。25.(to sb) to return to your memory, often suddenly(突然)恢复记忆,回想起:It’s all coming back to me now.现在我全都回想起来了。26.(at sb) (with sth) to reply to sb quickly,strongly or angrily(强有力地或愤怒地)答覆,反驳:She came back at the speaker with some questions.她用一些提问来反驳讲话人。He came back straightaway, telling me what he thought of me.他直截了当地进行了辩白,把他对我的看法告诉了我。[G]v+adv'comeback n 27.[usually sing.] if a personmakes a comeback they return to performing or to public life after a long time, or they become popular again(长期沉默之后的)恢复演出,再度出山, 再度走红:The band’s trying to make/stage a comeback.这支乐队正准备复出。28.if something makes a comeback it becomes popular or fashionable again再度流行(或时兴、盛行):Cartoons seem to be making a comeback.动画片似乎又开始受欢迎了。29.a way of getting payment or a reward for sth unfair or wrong that has been done to you得到补偿的方式:Will I have no comeback if the contract falls through? 如果撤消合同,我没有办法得到补偿吗?30.a quick reply that is often angry, insulting,clever or humorous(生气、侮辱性、聪明或幽默的)迅速回答,当场反驳:For once in her life, she had no sharp comeback.她有生以来仅此一次没有立即提出尖刻的反驳。,come 'back to sth 31.to return to a particular subject, an idea, etc. and start to talk about it or think about it回到(主题、想法等)上来:I’ll come back to that point in a moment.我稍后就回到这一点上来。It always seems to come back to the question of money.话题似乎总是回到钱的问题上来。[synonym]return to sth (more formal)[G]v+adv+prep,come be'fore sb/sth (formal)32.(of a legal case, a proposal or an issue 法律案件、提议或议题) to be presented to sb/sth so that they can discuss it or make a decision or a judgement about it提交到…讨论(或作决定、审理):The case comes before the court next week.这案件提交法院,下周审理。The bill came before parliament last month.议案于上月呈交议会。[OBJ]the court(s), committee,judge,parliament[G]v+prep,come be'tween sb and sb; ,come be'tween sb and sth 33.to harm or disturb a relationship between two people; to prevent sb from doing,enjoying or having sth损害… 之间的关系;离间; 妨碍:Nobody will ever come between them.没有人会拆散他们。I don’t want to come between her and her work.我不想妨碍她工作。[G]v+prep,come 'by; ,come 'by sth 34.to pass sb/sth without stopping(从…旁)经过,走过:Some kids on bikes came by, but they didn’t notice me.一些骑自行车的孩子过去了,可他们没注意到我。35.(especially AmE) to come to visit sb for a short time in a casual or informal way短暂看望某人;串门子:Thanks for coming by yesterday.感谢你昨天来看我。Come by on your way home from work.你下班回家的路上进来坐坐吧。If you come by the office tomorrow, I’ll have it ready for you.如果你明天来办公室一下,我会给你准备好的。[synonym]drop by;stop by,stop by sth[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep'come by sth 36.to manage to get sth; to receive sth by chance设法得到(或获得) ; (偶然)收到,得到:Jobs are hard to come by these days.如今找工作很难。Information about the company was not easy to come by.有关这家公司的情报不容易弄到手。How did you come by that cut on your hand? 你手上的伤是怎么来的?[synonym]get sth;obtain sth (more formal)37.Come by sth can be used in the passive, but this is not common. come by sth 可用于被动语态,但不常用:Old postcards are fairly easily come by.古旧明信片现在很容易找到。[G]v+prep,come 'down 38.(from…) (to…) to travel from one place to another, especially from the north of a country to the south从…到…(尤指从一国的北部到南部):When are you going to come down and see us? 你何时南下来看我们?39.if a price, a level or an amount comes down, it becomes lower or less than before(价格、水平、数量)下降,降低:Oil is coming down in price.石油价格在下跌。Inflation has come down twice in the last month.通货膨胀率上月两度下浮。[synonym]decrease (more formal), drop;fall[opposite]go up40.You can also use come back up with the opposite meaning if a price, etc. is increasing towards what it had been before.表达相反的含义,指价格等回升可用come back up :Oil prices are coming back up }(= they have been high in the past, then they fell, but now they are rising again)&b{.石油价格逐渐回升。41.to break and fall to the ground崩塌;坍塌:Part of the ceiling had come down.天花板有一处塌了下来。[synonym]collapse42.(of a plane, etc.飞机等) to fall from the sky; to be brought down to the ground从空中坠落;着陆;降落:The pilot was forced to come down in a field.飞行员被迫降落在田野里。43.(of rain, snow, etc.雨、雪等) to fall落下;降落:The rain was coming down harder now.雨下大了。[SUBJ]only the rain,the snow [synonym]fall44.[+adv/prep ] to decide that you support or oppose sb/sth and say so publicly决定并宣布(支持或反对):I knew my parents would come down on my sister’s side.我就知道父母会站在妹妹一边。The committee came down against the proposal.委员会决定并宣布反对这项提议。Voters came down firmly in favour of reform.选民表示坚决拥护改革。45.when the curtain in a theatre comes down, it is the end of the performance(剧院帷幕)落下;演出结束:When the curtain came down, we all rushed for the exits.演出一结束,我们便纷纷冲向各个出口。[opposite]go up 46.[+adv/prep ] to reach down to a particular point下垂, 向下延伸(到某一点) :My mother’s hair comes down to her waist.我母亲的头发垂至腰部。47.(informal) to stop having the pleasant feelings and excitement that sth such as an enjoyable experience or a drug produces(愉快或兴奋的感觉过去后)平静下来:The party was so good I haven’t really come down yet.晚会太美好了,我还没有真正平静下来。48.(from sth) (to sth) (of a person selling sth 卖方) to suggest or agree to a lower price降价出售;减低售价:I wasn’t prepared to pay £1500, but they eventually came down to £1350.我不愿意出 1 500 英镑,可他们最后降到了1 350 英镑。Can you come down another $30? 你能再降30 元吗?49.(from sth) (BrE, formal) to leave a university (especially Oxford or Cambridge) after finishing your studies大学毕业(尤指从牛津或剑桥):When did you come down (from Oxford)? 你何时(从牛津)毕业的?[opposite]come up (to sth)[G]v+adv 10 }also&b{ v+adv+ncome (back) down to 'earth (with a'bang/ 'bump) 50.to return to the reality of everyday life after a period of great excitement or a time when you have been living in a way that is not very practical回到现实中(停止白日梦):He came (back) down to earth with a bang when he discovered that all his money had run out.他发现自己的钱全用光了就猛醒过来。'comedown n 51.[usually sing.] (informal) a situation which is not as good, important or interesting as one you have experienced previously倒退;退步:It’s a bit of a comedown after her previous job.这比她的上一份工作稍差了点。,come 'down; ,come 'down sth 52.to move from a higher place or position to a lower one, or from a distant place towards the speaker(从…) 下来,过来:Come down from that tree! 从树上下来! The car was coming down the road towards us.汽车沿着马路朝我们开来。Jack came down the stairs two at a time.杰克一步两级地下楼来。[opposite]come up,come up sth[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep,come 'down on sb (informal)53.to punish sb or criticize sb severely惩罚; 斥责; 训斥:The courts are coming down heavily on drug dealers.法庭要严惩毒品贩子。Don’t come down too hard on him — he’s young.不要太严厉地责备他─他还小呢。54.Come down on sb is always used with an adverb such as hard and/or a phrase with a similar meaning. come down on sb 总是与hard等副词和/或含义相近的短语连用:If it happens again, we’ll come down on you so hard that you’ll wish you’d never been born.如果再有此事,我们会叫你吃不了兜着走。He came down on me like a ton of bricks.他噼头盖脸地训斥了我一番。[G]v+adv+prep,come 'down to sb (from sb/sth) 55.to be passed to sb from sb who lived in the past(从…)流传下来:The estate came down to her from her grandfather.财产是祖父遗留给她的。[SUBJ]story,name,tradition[G]v+adv+prep,come 'down to sth 56.to be able to be explained as one simple, important question or point可归结为;可归纳为:It all comes down to a matter of priorities in the end.这一切归根到底就是优先权的问题。When it comes down to it }(=the most important fact is)&b{, we can’t afford to go.最重要的是,我们去不起。What it comes down to is a choice between money or happiness.归结起来就是在金钱和幸福之间的抉择。[G]v+adv+prep,come 'down with sth 57.to get an illness, often not a very serious one患,得,染上(小病):I came down with a bad cold.我得了重感冒。I think I’m coming down with something.我想我有点不舒服。[OBJ]flu,a cold[synonym]go down with sth;catch sth;get sth[G]v+adv+prep'come for sb/sth 58.to come to sb’s home, or to the place where sb/sth is in order to take them/it somewhere去接某人,去取某物(以带到另一处):The police came for him this morning.警察今天上午来把他带走。Have you come for the parcel? 你是来取包裹的吗?59.to attack sb/sth进攻;攻击:Sam came for me with his fists.萨姆挥舞着拳头朝我打来。[G]v+prep,come 'forth (literary)60.to appear or be produced出现;产生:He struck the rock and water came forth.他敲打石头,有水冒出来。[G]v+adv,forth'coming adj 61.[only before noun] about to happen or appear very soon即将发生的(或出现的) :Who is in charge of promoting the band’s forthcoming album? 谁负责推销乐队即将推出的歌集唱片?62.[not before noun] ready or made available when you need it现成; 随要随有:Unfortunately money for the project has not been very forthcoming.可惜这个项目的资金还不太到位。63.

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