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crashcrash[kraʃ],crash a'round (also ,crash a'bout/ 'round especially BrE) (informal) 1.to move around making a lot of noise声音很大地活动:I heard her crashing about in the bathroom.我听到她在浴室哗啦啦地折腾。[G]v+adv,crash 'down 2.to fall with a very loud noise轰隆一声倒下(或坠落、落下):Passengers had a lucky escape when a huge tree crashed down onto a bus.大树哗啦一声倒在公共汽车上,幸好乘客安然无恙。John’s hand came crashing down on the table }(= he hit the table hard with his hand)&b{.约翰的手砰地一声砸在桌子上。(figurative) All my dreams came crashing down around me }(= I completely failed in what I wanted to do)&b{.我所有的梦想都轰然破灭了。3.[NOTE]Crash down is usually followed by a phrase beginning with a preposition. crash down 通常后接介词短语。[G]v+adv,crash 'out (informal, especially BrE)4.to go to sleep because you are very tired睏得睡着:I was so tired I crashed out in an armchair.我十分疲倦,在扶手椅上睡着了。[synonym]flake out (BrE)[G]v+adv,crash 'out of sth 5.(in sport 体育运动) to lose a game very badly and so not be able to continue to take part in a competition(被淘汰)出局:England crashed out of the World Cup.英格兰队在世界杯比赛中遭淘汰。6.[NOTE]This phrasal verb is used especially in newspapers.这个短语动词尤用于报章。[G]v+adv+prep,crash 'round (especially BrE)=CRASH AROUND

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