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crowdcrowd[kraʊd],crowd a'round; ,crowd a'round sb/sth (especially AmE)=CROWD ROUND,CROWD ROUND SB/STH,crowd 'in; ,crowd 'into sth 1.to move in large numbers into a small place涌入(狭小的空间):As soon as the doors opened people began to crowd in.门一开人们便开始涌入。We all crowded into the lift.我们全都涌进电梯。(figurative) Memories she would rather forget came crowding in.她想忘掉的往事涌上心头。(figurative) Doubts crowded into my mind.我一时满腹疑团。[synonym]pile in,pile into sth[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep,crowd sb/sth 'in; ,crowd sb/sth 'into/ 'onto sth 2.to put a large number of people or things into a small space把人或物塞进(…) 去:I doubt if we can crowd any more people in — the place is packed already.我怀疑我们能否再塞进人了─这里已经拥挤不堪。We were all crowded into a small area behind the goal.我们全都挤在球门后面的一小块地方。[synonym]cram sb/sth in,cram sb/sth in/into sth;pack sb/sth in,pack sb/sth into sth[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prep,crowd 'in (on sb)3.if high buildings, mountains,etc. crowd in, they seem to surround you and threaten you or have a strong effect on you(高楼、高山等) 围逼(某人) :The high walls seemed to crowd in (on her).四周高高的墙壁似乎(向她)压过来。(figurative) He tried to resist the fears that were crowding in on him.他竭力抑制涌上心头的恐惧感。[G]v+adv+prep,crowd sb/sth 'onto sth =CROWD SB/STH IN,CROWD SB/STH INTO/ONTO STH,crowd sb/sth 'out; ,crowd sb/sth 'out of sth 4.if a number of people or things crowd out other people or things, they are present in such large numbers that there is no room for anyone or anything else把人或物(从…里)挤出去:Tourists are crowding the regular customers out of the bar.酒吧挤满了游客,老主顾都进不去。(figurative) Small shops are increasingly being crowded out by the big supermarkets.越来越多的小店铺给大超市挤得无立足之地。[synonym]squeeze sb/sth out,squeeze sb/sth out of sth[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv+prep,crowd 'round; ,crowd 'round sb/sth (especially BrE)(AmE usually ,crowd a'round, ,crowd a'round sb/sth) 5.to gather in large numbers around sb/sth聚集在…周围;聚拢:People were crowding around to see what was going on.人们聚过来围观。Fans crowded round him to ask for his autograph.崇拜者围着他要签名。[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep

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