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dashdash[daʃ],dash a'bout (especially BrE)=DASH AROUND,dash a'gainst sth 1.(of rain, waves, the sea, etc.雨、浪头、海等) to beat violently against a surface拍打,撞击(表面)[G]v+prep,dash a'round (also ,dash a'bout/ 'round especially BrE) 2.to move very quickly from place to place, being very busy四处奔走忙碌:I’ve been dashing around all day! 我东奔西跑地忙了一整天了! At the scene of the accident, people were dashing about all over the place.在事故现场,人们忙得团团转。[synonym]rush around[G]v+adv,dash a'way/ 'off 3.to go away from a place in a hurry急忙离开;匆匆走掉:He dashes off every day at 4 o’clock.他每天4点钟就急匆匆地走了。[G]v+adv,dash sth a'way 4.if you dash tears away, you remove them quickly from your face一把擦掉(泪水):He dashed away the tears welling up in his eyes with an impatient hand.他烦躁地一把抹掉涌出的泪水。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,dash 'off =DASH AWAY/OFF,dash sth 'off 5.to write or draw sth very quickly仓促写出;草草画成:I dashed off a quick letter to my brother.我急急忙忙给我弟弟写了封信。[synonym]scribble sth[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (rare),dash 'round (especially BrE)=DASH AROUND

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