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dealdeal[diːl](dealt,dealt ) 'deal in sth 1.to do business; to make money by buying and selling a particular product or kind of goods经营, 买卖(商品等) :He made a fortune dealing in stocks and shares.他买卖证券股票交易发了财。They deal exclusively in Chinese art.他们只经营中国艺术品。The company deals in computer software.这家公司经营计算机软件。[OBJ]shares,art 2.to make money by buying and selling goods illegally,especially drugs做非法交易;(尤指)贩卖毒品:They’re rumoured to be dealing in stolen goods.据说他们倒卖赃物。[OBJ]drugs,arms3.to be concerned with or involved in sth关心;参与;涉及:This newspaper doesn’t deal in gossip, only in facts.这家报纸不传播小道消息,只报道事实。She’s not the type to deal in rumours.她不是那种爱说长道短的人。[G]v+prep,deal sb 'in (informal, especially AmE)4.to include sb in an activity让某人加入(活动);把某人算入:It sounds like a great plan! Deal me in! 这计划听上去很棒!算我一个![synonym]count sb in[opposite]deal sb out,deal sb out of sth[G]v+n/pron+adv,deal sb 'out; ,deal sb 'out of sth (AmE, informal)5.to not include sb in an activity不让某人加入(活动);不把某人算入:You can deal me out of this. I don’t want to get involved in anything illegal.你不要把我算在内。我不想参与任何违法的事。[synonym]count sb out,count sb out of sth[opposite]deal sb in[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv+prep,deal sth 'out (to sb)6.to share sth among a number of people, groups of people or organizations把…分配,分发(给…):We’ll deal out the proceeds to several charities.我们将把收入分赠给几个慈善团体。The profits were dealt out among the investors.利润分给了投资者。[synonym]distribute sth (more formal)7.(in a game of cards 纸牌游戏) to give cards to each player(给游戏者)发牌:She dealt out seven cards to each player.她给每人发了七张牌。8.[NOTE]Deal sth can also be used with this meaning. deal sth 也可作此义。9.to give sb a particular punishment; to say what punishment sb should have给予, 宣布(判决、处罚):She dealt out the same punishment to all the children.她惩罚所有的孩子一视同仁。Severe penalties are dealt out to persistent offenders.惯犯予以严惩。[OBJ]punishment[synonym]administer sth (formal)[G]1 ,2 v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv 3 v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv'deal with sb 10.to look after, talk to or control people in an appropriate way, especially as part of your job打交道,管理人(尤指作为工作):Her job involves dealing with young offenders.她的工作包括看管少年犯。They’re very difficult people to deal with.他们这些人很难缠。[synonym]handle sb11.to take appropriate action in a particular situation or according to who you are talking to, etc.对付,应付,对待(某人):Can you deal with this customer? 你来招呼这位顾客好吗? We have to deal with students and handle a load of paperwork as well.我们必须照应学生,同时还得完成大量文书工作。Most patients are dealt with within four weeks.大多数病人四个星期之内就得到治疗。12.to take appropriate action to punish sb who has done sth wrong整治,处罚(某人) :Your father will deal with you when he gets home.你父亲回家后会收拾你的。Athletes found guilty of taking drugs were swiftly dealt with.被检测出服用禁药的运动员立刻受到了处罚。[synonym]sort sb out[G]v+prep'deal with sb/sth 13.to do business regularly with a person, an organization, a government,etc.与… 做生意:We prefer to deal only with reputable companies.我们只喜欢和有声誉的公司打交道。It is best to deal directly with foreign suppliers.最好和外国供应商直接进行交易。[OBJ]business,company 14.to talk to sb, an organization, a government, etc. in order to reach an agreement or settle a dispute商谈;谈判:I prefer to deal with somebody in authority.我喜欢与管事的人谈。It would help if I knew exactly who I’m dealing with.如果我早知道我在跟谁谈就好了。[G]v+prep'deal with sth 15.to solve a problem, carry out a task, etc.解决;处理;应付:to deal with enquiries/ issues/complaints 处理各种询问/问题/投诉The police dealt with the incident very efficiently.警方处理这一事件的效率很高。There’s some urgent correspondence here that hasn’t been dealt with.这里有些急件待处理。[OBJ]problems,matter,situation,crisis 16.(of a book, poem, article, etc. 书、诗、文章等) to be about sth涉及; 论及; 关于:The next programme deals with the subject of divorce.下个节目将讨论离婚这一主题。[OBJ]subject,question,issue[synonym]cover sth17.if you deal with an emotion such as anger or sadness, you learn to control it or become less affected by it学着控制,学着克制(情绪):He is beginning to deal with his anger in a constructive way.他开始用建设性的方法处理自己的怒气。‘You’ve got to try and forget her and get on with your life.’ ‘I’m dealing with it!’ “你必须尽力忘掉她,过你自己的生活。”“我正在努力!”She’s good at dealing with pressure.她善于应付压力。[OBJ]anger,grief,loss[synonym]cope (with sth)18.[NOTE]Deal with sth can be used in the passive. deal with sth 可用于被动语态。[G]v+prep

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