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diedie[dʌɪ](dies,dying,died,died) ,die a'way 1.(of a sound声音) to become so faint or weak that you can no longer hear it逐渐减弱;逐渐模煳;逐渐消失:The sound of the car engine died away.汽车发动机的声音逐渐消失了。Her laughter died away when she saw how angry he was.她看见他那样生气,她的笑声就低了下去。[synonym]fade away2.(also ,die 'out) (of rain, wind or a storm 雨、风或风暴) to gradually become weaker and stop逐渐减弱;逐渐平息:The rain will largely die away overnight.雨过一夜就差不多会停了。3.(of a feeling or an emotion 感觉或情绪) to gradually become weaker and disappear逐渐平静; 逐渐消失:The excitement over their affair soon died away.对于他们的风流韵事的兴奋劲儿很快过去了。[synonym]fade away[G]v+adv,die 'back (also ,die 'down) 4.if a plant dies back, its leaves die, although the roots are still alive(植物)叶凋而不死:The leaves die back in winter.叶子到冬天就枯萎了。[G]v+adv,die 'down5.(of a sound or flames 声音或火焰) to gradually become less loud or strong逐渐降低;逐渐变弱;逐渐平息:He waited for the applause to die down.他等着掌声平息下来。The fire had died down by the morning.炉火到早晨就熄灭了。6.(of wind, rain or a storm 风、雨或风暴) to gradually become less strong or violent逐渐减弱;逐渐变小;逐渐平息:As it got dark, the wind died down.风到了晚上就逐渐变小了。[synonym]subside7.if something such as excitement or confusion dies down, it gradually becomes less(兴奋情绪或混乱心情等)逐渐平静:When all the fuss had died down, he just quietly went back home.一切喧闹平息之后,他悄悄地回家了。[synonym]subside8.=DIE BACK[G]v+adv,die 'off 9.if a group of people or animals die off,they die one by one over a short period of time until there are none left相继死去;先后死去:The survivors are dying off daily.活下来的正在一天天地死去。[G]v+adv,die 'out 10.if a family, race or species dies out,there are no longer any members left alive(家族、种族或物种)灭绝,逐渐消亡:There are several theories about why dinosaurs died out so suddenly.关于恐龙为何突然灭绝的理论有几种。Many plants and animals are in danger of dying out.有多种植物和动物濒于灭绝。[synonym]become extinct11.(of a custom, tradition or skill 风俗、传统或技能) to no longer be used or practised失传:Many New Year and May Day ceremonies have virtually died out now.新年和五朔节的很多仪式如今实际上已经失传了。12.=DIE AWAY 2 The outbreaks of rain will die out later in the day.骤雨将在白天晚些时候逐渐停止。[G]v+adv

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