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drawdraw[drɔː](drew/drawn) ,draw 'back 1.to move away from sb/sth, especially sb/sth that makes you feel frightened﹙尤指因害怕﹚移开,后退;畏避:She drew back from the window in case anyone saw her.她从窗口退后,免得有人看见她。2.(from sth/from doing sth) to decide not to do sth, because you are afraid of what might happen畏缩;撤销;撤回:The government has drawn back from making a commitment to reform the voting system.政府已撤回进行投票体系改革的承诺。[G]v+adv,draw sth 'down (AmE, business)3.to reduce the amount of sth, especially money, by using it and spending it消耗,减少﹙尤指钱﹚:Higher production costs will draw down cash gains from rising farm prices.生产成本上升会减低来自农产品涨价的现金收益。[OBJ]funds[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv'draw sth from sth 4.to get sth from a particular source﹙从…中﹚得到,获得:Many artists and poets have drawn their inspiration from the landscape.很多艺术家和诗人的灵感都来自大自然景色。At times of crisis, we drew strength from each other.危难时我们彼此鼓劲。[OBJ]inspiration,comfort,support[G]v+n/pron+prep,draw 'in (BrE)5.(usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) 6.when evenings or nights are drawing in, it is gradually becoming darker earlier in the evening because winter is coming﹙天黑﹚渐早;﹙白昼﹚渐短:The nights are drawing in fast now.天黑得越来越早了。Evening was already drawing in.夜晚已经渐渐来得早了。It was the end of September and the days had begun to draw in.那时是九月末,白天开始缩短了。[synonym]close in [opposite]draw out (BrE)[G]v+adv,draw 'in; ,draw 'into sth (especially BrE)7.if a train draws in, or draws into a station, it slowly enters a station and stops at the platform﹙火车﹚到站,进站停靠:The London train drew in late.发自伦敦的列车到站时晚点了。I got to the platform just as the train was drawing into the station.我到月台时火车正徐徐进站。[synonym]pull in,pull into sth[opposite]draw out,draw out of sth[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep,draw sb 'in; ,draw sb 'into sth; ,draw sb 'into doing sth 8.to make sb become involved or take part in sth, although they do not want to使某人不由自主地投入﹙环境等中﹚;把某人牵涉进去﹙或卷入某事情等﹚:I didn’t like the book when I started it, but the strange story soon drew me in.我开始读这本书时并不喜欢它,但那离奇的故事情节很快把我吸引住了。I refuse to be drawn into this argument.我拒绝卷入这场争论。[OBJ]conversation,discussion,argument,situation[synonym]involve sb (in sth)9.[NOTE]This phrasal verb is often used in the passive.这个短语动词常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prep,draw sth 'in 10.if you draw in a breath, you breathe deeply or quickly深吸,迅速吸入﹙一口气﹚:She drew in a deep breath at the magical sight of the city below.她俯视城市迷人的景色,不禁深深地吸了一口气。He drew in his breath sharply.他猛吸一口气。[OBJ]only a/your, etc. breath [G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,draw sth 'off 11.to remove some liquid from a larger amount抽出,排掉﹙液体﹚:He drew off a glass of beer.他倒了一杯啤酒。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,draw 'on 12.(of a time or a season 时光或季节) to slowly pass渐渐过去;荏苒:As night drew on, it became clear he wasn’t coming.夜渐深了, 他显然是不会来了。[G]v+adv'draw on sth 13.(also 'draw upon sth more formal) to use sth that you have or that is available to help you do sth凭藉;利用;动用:The assignment asked us to draw on our experiences while we were in England.这个任务要求我们参考在英国时的经验。I’ll have to draw on my savings to pay for the car.我得动用积蓄买那辆车。[OBJ]experience,work,resources,savings,tradition14.Draw on/upon sth can be used in the passive in this meaning. draw on/upon sth作此义时可用于被动语态:Sections of the book should be drawn on as required.应按要求引用本书章节。15.if you draw on a cigarette or a pipe,etc. you breathe smoke into your mouth from it吸,抽﹙烟等﹚:He drew on his cigar.他吸了一口雪茄。[OBJ]cigar,cigarette,pipe[G]v+prep,draw 'out (BrE)16.(usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) when evenings or nights are drawing out, it is gradually becoming lighter for longer in the evening because spring is coming﹙天黑﹚渐晚;﹙白昼﹚渐长:After March the evenings started drawing out.三月份之后夜晚越来越短。[opposite]draw in (BrE)[G]v+adv,draw 'out; ,draw 'out of sth (especially BrE)17.if a train draws out or draws out of a station, it begins to move and slowly leaves the station﹙火车﹚离站,出站:I arrived in time to see the train drawing out.我赶到时正好看到火车徐徐离站。The train drew slowly out of the station.火车徐徐开出车站。[synonym]pull out,pull out of sth[opposite]draw in,draw into sth[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+prep,draw sb 'out 18.to encourage sb who is shy to talk freely让﹙害羞的人﹚畅谈:I tried to draw him out on the subject of his life in Africa.我设法让他好好谈谈他在非洲的生活。[G]v+n/pron+adv,draw sth 'out 19.to make sth such as a meeting or an event last longer than usual or longer than it should拖延, 拉长﹙ 会议或活动等﹚ :They drew the interview out to over an hour.他们拖拖沓沓面试了一个多小时。The process is likely to be drawn out over several months.这一过程有可能拖拉几个月。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+ndrawn-'out (also ,long-drawn-'out,'longdrawn less frequent) adj 20.lasting longer than you expect or too long拖延的;拉长的;持续很久的:The negotiations were difficult and drawn-out.这些谈判进行得艰难且拖沓。It was another long-drawn-out meeting.又是一次冗长的会议。,draw sth 'out; ,draw sth 'out of sth 21.to take money out of a bank account﹙从银行账户﹚取钱,提款:How much money did you draw out?你取了多少钱? Several thousand pounds had been drawn out of the account.有几千英镑从这个账户提走了。[synonym]take sth out,take sth out of sth;withdraw sth (from sth) (more formal)[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv+prep,draw 'up; ,draw sth/sb/yourself 'up 22.to come to a stop; to make sth/sb/yourself stop﹙使﹚停下,停止:A taxi drew up outside.出租车在外面停了下来。He drew the car up at the front door.他把汽车停在前门。He was walking towards the door when a loud knock drew him up sharply .他朝门走去,一记响亮的敲门声令他猛地收住脚步。[synonym]pull up;pull sb up;pull yourself upsee also DRAW YOURSELF UP[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv,draw sth 'up 23.to make or write sth that needs careful planning拟订;制订;起草:My solicitor is drawing up the contract.我的律师正在拟订合同。Clear guidelines need to be drawn up.需要拟订明确的指导方针。We’ve drawn up a plan of action.我们制订了行动计划。[OBJ]contract,agreement,plan[synonym]formulate sth (more formal) 24.to bring sth nearer to sb/sth将…拉近;使靠近:She drew up another chair and sat with them.她拉过一把椅子和他们坐在一起。He drew his knees up to his chest.他把双膝抱在胸前。[OBJ]chair,knees[synonym]pull sth up[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,draw yourself 'up 25.to stand up very straight so that you are as tall as possible站得笔直:She drew herself up to her full height, hands on hips, and glared at me.她双手叉腰站得直挺挺的,对我怒目而视。[synonym]pull yourself upsee also DRAW UP,DRAW SB/STH/YOURSELF UP[G]v+pron+adv'draw upon sth =DRAW ON STH 1

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