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dressdress[drɛs],dress 'down (in sth) 1.to wear clothes that are less formal than those you usually wear or those that are usually worn in a particular situation穿着便服;穿着便装:He deliberately dressed down for the party.他有意穿便装参加聚会。More and more people are dressing down for the office these days.如今越来越多的人上班着装不讲究。[opposite]dress up (in sth)[G]v+adv,dress sb 'down 2.to criticize sb angrily for sth wrong that they have done训斥;责骂:The sergeant dressed down the new recruits.中士把新兵骂了一通。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,dressing-'down n 3.[sing.] (old-fashioned, informal)an occasion when sb speaks angrily to a person because they have done sth wrong训斥;责骂,dress 'up (as sb/sth), ,dress sb/yourself 'up (as sb/sth)4.to put on special clothes in order to pretend to be sb else装扮﹙成…﹚;乔装打扮;化装:The kids love dressing up.孩子们都喜欢装扮成别人玩儿。They dressed themselves up as cartoon characters.他们装扮成了卡通人物。(BrE) dressing-up clothes 化装服(AmE) dress-up clothes 化装服[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n (less frequent),dress 'up (in sth), ,dress yourself 'up (in sth)5.to wear special or more formal clothes than you usually do or than those usually worn in a particular situation穿着盛装;穿着正装:Don’t bother to dress up — come as you are.用不着穿礼服──就穿平时的衣服来吧。She dressed herself up in a grey suit for the court appearance.她穿了一套灰色西装出庭。[opposite]dress down (in sth)6.Do not confuse this phrasal verb with get dressed or dress, dress sb/yourself,which just mean ‘to put on clothes’.不要将这个短语动词和get dresseddressdress sb/yourself 混淆,后者仅表示“穿衣服”:I jumped out of bed and got dressed quickly.我跳下床连忙穿好衣服。[G]v+adv ◆ v+pron+adv,dress sth 'up (as sth) 7.to make sth seem different or better than it really is by the way that you present it把某事物粉饰﹙成…﹚;把事情美化﹙为…﹚:You’re sacking me. Don’t try to dress it up as a career move.你是要解雇我。别美其名为工作调动。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n

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