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dropdrop[drɒp](-pp-) ,drop a'round (AmE)=DROP BY,drop sth a'round (AmE)=DROP STH ROUND,drop a'way (especially BrE)1.if the grounddrops away, it slopes down steeply away from where you are﹙地面﹚陡峭地向下延伸:The seabed suddenly dropped away and I was waist deep in the water.海床陡直向下,我掉进了齐腰深的水里。2.to become less strong or disappear减弱; 消失:He felt his dark mood dropping away.他觉得悲观的情绪渐渐减少了。[G]v+adv,drop 'back 3.if a person in a group drops back,they move to a position further back behind other people, often because they are not able to stay at the front逐渐落在﹙同伴等的﹚后面:The original leader in the race has now dropped back to third place.比赛开始时领先的人现在落后到了第三。[synonym]fall back[G]v+adv,drop be'hind; ,drop be'hind sb/sth 4.if sbdrops behind or drops behind sb/sth, they move to a position behind other people落后﹙ 于… ﹚ ; 移到﹙ 他人﹚ 后面的位置:He dropped behind to walk with Sam.他退后和萨姆一道走。We cannot afford to drop behind our competitors.我们可担当不起落后于竞争对手的后果。[synonym]fall behind,fall behind sb/sth[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep,drop 'by (also ,drop 'round BrE, ,drop a'round AmE) (informal)5.to pay a short, informal visit to sb, often without arranging this in advance看望一下:I just dropped by to check you were OK.我只是顺便来看看你还好吧。I’m dropping round to Kate’s later.我回头要顺便去凯特家一下。[synonym]call by (especially BrE), stop bysee also DROP IN (ON SB/AT…),DROP INTO STH;DROP OVER[G]v+adv,drop sth 'by (AmE)=DROP STH IN (TO SB/STH),DROP STH INTO STH,drop 'in (on sb/at…), ,drop 'into sth (informal)6.to pay a short, informal visit to sb, often without arranging this in advance看望一下…;到某处一会儿:Drop in any time you’re passing.你路过时就进来坐坐。She drops in on her parents at least once a week.她一周至少去看父母一次。I dropped into the coffee shop for a quick drink on my way home.我回家半路上进咖啡店简单喝了一杯。[synonym]call insee also DROP BY[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep'drop-in adj 7.[only before noun] used to describe a place where you can go without making an appointment无需预约的;可随时去的:a drop-in centre/surgery/clinic 随时可去的活动中心;无需预约的门诊/诊所,drop sb/yourself 'in it (BrE, informal)8.to put sb in a difficult or embarrassing situation使陷入困境; 使尴尬:She got herself out of trouble by dropping Laura in it.她自己甩掉了麻烦却把劳拉扯进去了。[G]v+n/pron+prep+it,drop sth 'in (to sb/sth), ,drop sth 'into sth (especially BrE) (AmE usually ,drop sth 'by)(informal) 9.to deliver sth, especially when you are on the way to somewhere else﹙顺路﹚递送:She dropped the report in on her way out.她外出时顺便把报告送去了。I’ll drop a note in to you when I know the arrangements.等我知道安排之后就给你送个信儿。Could you drop my coat into the cleaner’s on your way to work? 你上班时顺路把我的外衣送到洗衣店好吗? I’ll drop the brochures by later.我以后会顺便把这些手册送去的。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prep,drop 'into sth =DROP IN (ON SB/AT…),DROP INTO STH,drop sth 'into sth =DROP STH IN (TO SB/STH),DROP STH INTO STH,drop 'off10.(informal, especially BrE) to fall into a light sleep打盹儿;小睡:He’s always dropping off in front of the TV.他看电视老是打瞌睡。[synonym]doze off;nod off (informal)11.if a number,an amount or a quality drops off, it decreases﹙数量﹚减少;﹙数字、质量﹚下降:The numbers applying for membership have dropped off sharply.申请会员资格的人数锐减。[synonym]fall off[G]v+adv'drop-off (in sth ) n 12.a decrease下降; 减少:Managers are concerned by a recent drop-off in sales.经理们因新近的销售额下降而担忧。see also DROP-OFF at DROP SB/STH OFF,drop sb/sth 'off 13.to stop and let sb get out of a car,etc.; to deliver sth to a place, often when you are on the way to somewhere else停车让﹙某人﹚下去;﹙顺路﹚递送﹙某物﹚:Could you drop me off at the station? 你在车站把我放下好吗? I’m going past Jan’s house — I could drop the cake off.我要路过简家─可以顺便把蛋糕送去。She dropped off some clothes at the dry-cleaner’s.她顺路把一些衣服送到了乾洗店。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'drop-off n 14.a place where vehicles can stop for people to get out, or where sth can be left; the action of doing this停车谢客﹙或卸货﹚站点;停车谢客﹙或卸货﹚:It is easier to get a taxi at passenger drop-off points than at flight arrival stands.在谢客站叫出租车比在航班进港候客处容易。see also DROP-OFF at DROP OFF,drop 'out; ,drop 'out of sth 1 15.to stop taking part in an activity, being a member of a group,etc.不再参加;退出;脱离:Several members of the team had to drop out at the last minute.有几位队员要临时退出比赛。She had to drop out of the race half way through.她不得不半途退出赛跑。The company had to drop out of the deal due to rising costs.由于成本增加,公司只好放弃这笔交易。[synonym]pull out,pull out of sth;withdraw (from sth ) (more formal) 16.to leave school,college, university, etc. without finishing your studies退学;辍学:She dropped out of college after only a few weeks.她在大学只读了几个星期就退学了。Many students drop out or fail because they’re not enjoying the course.很多同学因为不喜欢这门课程而放弃或考试不及格。17.to reject the accepted ideas, morals and values of society拒绝传统社会:There’s a danger that when people lose their jobs they drop out (of society) altogether.失业的人很容易脱离社会。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+prep'dropout n 18.a person who leaves school, college or university before they have finished their studies退学者;辍学者:He might be a college dropout but he’s made a fortune in business.他可能中途离开大学,但在商界发了财。There is a high dropout rate from some college courses.有些大学课程的退出率很高。19.(usually disapproving, especially BrE) a person who rejects the accepted ideas, morals and values of society拒绝传统社会者:Many of the town’s dropouts hang around the square.这个镇的很多脱离社会传统的人在广场上闲荡。,drop 'over (especially AmE)20.to visit sb for a short time at their home, without arranging a time in advance串门子;到某人家小坐:I think I’ll just drop over to Jim’s for a while.我想就去吉姆家小坐会儿。Why don’t you drop over this evening?你今晚为什么不来坐坐呢?[synonym]pop over/roundsee also DROP BY[G]v+adv,drop 'round (BrE)=DROP BY,drop sth 'round (BrE)(AmE ,drop sth a'round)(informal)21.to deliver sth to sb’s home, etc.把﹙某物﹚送到﹙某人家等﹚:I’ll drop those papers round later.我过会儿把那些文件送过去。see also DROP STH IN (TO SB/STH),DROP STH INTO STH[G]v+n/pron+adv

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