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backback[bak],back a'way; ,back a'way from sb/sth 1.to move backwards away from sb/sth frightening or unpleasant退避,躲避(人或事物):He stepped forward and she backed away in alarm.他向前跨了一步,她惊慌地退避开。The child backed away from the dog nervously.孩子紧张地后退躲避那条狗。[synonym]retreat (from sb/sth) (more formal)see also BACK OFF 2[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+prep,back a'way from sth; ,back a'way from doing sth 2.to avoid doing sth unpleasant or difficult; to show that you no longer support an action or an idea退缩;背弃(某行动或想法):We will not back away from tough measures.我们不会手软的。The union has backed away from calling a strike.工会放弃了号召罢工。[G]v+adv+prep,back 'down(on/from sth) 3.to take back a claim or a demand that you have made, or sth that you have said, usually because sb forces you to(被迫)收回(声明、言论等);放弃(要求、主张等):Neither of them will back down on this issue.他俩在此问题上都不会让步的。His critics were forced to back down.批评他的人被迫偃旗息鼓了。[synonym]climb down (over sth); give in (to sb/sth)see also BACK OFF (FROM STH/FROM DOING STH),BACK OFF STH[G]v+adv,back 'off 4.(informal) to stop threatening or annoying sb放过(某人):Back off and let me make my own decisions.别烦我了,让我自己做决定吧。The press have agreed to back off and leave the couple alone.新闻界同意不再打扰这对夫妻。5.to move away from sb/sth frightening or unpleasant躲避(人或事物) :As the head teacher approached the children backed off.校长过来时,孩子们闪开了。[synonym]retreat (from sb/sth)see also BACK AWAY,BACK AWAY FROM SB/STH[G]v+adv,back 'off (from sth/from doing sth), ,back 'off sth (especially AmE)6.to decide not to continue to do sth or support an idea, in order to avoid a difficult or unpleasant situation放弃(某事);不再支持(某想法):The government backed off in the face of strong opposition.政府在强烈的反对下退却了。He refused to back off from his earlier statement.他不肯撤回先前的声明。The rebels backed off their demand for meeting with the President.反叛者放弃了和总统会面的要求。see also BACK DOWN (ON/FROM STH)[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep,back 'onto sth (BrE)7.if a building backs onto sth, it has sth behind it(建筑物)背向,背靠:The hotel backs onto the golf course.旅馆的后面是高尔夫球场。[G]v+prep,back 'out; ,back 'out of sth; ,back 'out of doing sth 8.to decide not to do sth that you had agreed or promised to do退出;放弃(同意或答应做的事):Everything’s arranged. It’s too late to back out now.一切都安排好了。现在打退堂鼓为时太晚。There’s still time to back out of selling the house.现在决定不卖房子还来得及。[synonym]pull out,pull out of sth,pull out of doing sth;withdraw (from sth) (more formal)[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+prep,back 'up; ,back sb/sth 'up 9.to move backwards a short distance, especially in a vehicle; to make sb/sth move backwards a short distance(使)后退;倒(车):You can back up another two metres or so.你可以再退两米左右。Jeff backed the van up and drove off quickly.杰夫倒了倒车,然后飞快地开走。(figurative) The woman was backed up against the wall.那女子被挤到了墙边。[synonym]reverse,reverse sth (more formal)[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,back 'up; ,back sth 'up10.if traffic backs up or is backed up, it cannot move and forms a long line(车辆)拥塞,排起长龙;交通阻塞:Two lanes were closed by the accident, causing cars to back up for miles.因事故关闭了两条车道,汽车拥塞长达几英里。The traffic is backed up to the traffic lights.车辆在交通灯处阻塞了。11.[NOTE]Back sth up is nearly always used in the passive. back sth up 几乎总是用于被动语态。[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,back sb/sth 'up 12.to say or show that what sb says is true证明某人(所言属实);证实(某人所言):If I tell my parents I was with you, will you back me up? 假若我对父母说我当时和你在一起,你肯为我作证吗?His version of events is not backed up by the evidence.他对事情的陈述证据不足。[OBJ]statement,claim 13.to support or help sb/sth支持,帮助(某人或事):Mel complained that her husband never backed her up in the control of the children.梅尔抱怨丈夫从未帮她管桝过孩子。Backing her up }(=playing music to support her)&b{ was the band ‘Midnight Express’.为她伴奏的是“午夜快车”乐队。[synonym]support sb/sth[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n (less frequent)'backup n 14.[C] [U] (AmE, music) (usually used as an adjective 通常用作形容词) music that supports the main singer or player in popular music or jazz(流行音乐或爵士乐的)伴奏,伴唱:a backup singer for Stevie Wonder 史蒂维·旺德的伴唱歌手She once sang backup for Madonna.她曾经为麦当娜伴唱。see also BACK-UP at BACK STH UP ,back sth 'up 15.(computing) to make a copy of a file, a program, etc. that can be used if the original one is lost or damaged给(文件、程序等)做备份;备份:We back up all the files every night.我们每晚都给所有文件做备份。[OBJ]file16.to add sth extra to sth, especially as a support(将某物)添加到;(以某事物)辅助,支持:The lectures will be backed up by practical work.课堂讲授将辅以实习。They backed up their demands with threats.他们提了要求并威胁说一定要满足。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'back-up n 17.[U] support or help that you can use in order to do sth支持;援助:military backup军事援助They have a huge back-up team.他们有一支庞大的后援队伍。18.[C] a second piece of equipment, set of plans, person, etc. that can replace another if necessary备用器械(或计划、人员等);后备:He’s our back-up if another player isn’t available.如果我们其他队员无法上场,就由他替补。the back-up plan 备用计划19.[C] (computing) a copy of a file, program, etc.for use in case the original is lost or damaged(文件、程序等的)备份:Have you kept a backup of this file? 你把这文件备份了吗?a backup disk 备份磁盘see also BACKUP at BACK SB/STH UP

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