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faceface[feɪs],face sb 'down (especially AmE)1.to oppose or defeat sb by dealing with them directly and confidently决然把某人压倒:The President is determined to face down his critics.总统决心给指责他的人以迎头痛击。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,face 'off (AmE)2.(sport) to start a game such as ice hockey﹙冰球等﹚开球:The teams face off at 2.30.球队在2点30 分开球。3.to get ready to argue, fight or compete with sb准备好辩论﹙或战斗、比赛﹚:The candidates face off in a Democratic primary today.今天候选人准备在民主党初选中进行辩论。[G]v+adv'face-off n (AmE) 4.a method of beginning a game such as ice hockey﹙冰球赛等的﹚开球5.an argument or a fight辩论;搏斗,face 'onto sth 6.if a room or a building faces onto sth, the windows look in that direction﹙房间或建筑物的窗户﹚面向,面对,正对:The front bedroom faces onto a main road.前面的…室面向大马路。[G]v+prep,face 'up to sth 7.to accept and deal with a difficult or unpleasant situation敢于面对, 勇于正视﹙困难或不快之事﹚:When is she going to face up to her responsibilities? 她何时能勇于承担自己的责任呢?He must face up to the fact that he is no longer young.他必须敢于面对自己不再年轻的事实。[OBJ]fact,reality,problem, responsibilities[synonym]square up (to sb/sth)8.Face up to sth can be used in the passive. face up to sth 可用于被动语态:This problem has got to be faced up to.必须直面这个问题。[G]v+adv+prep

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