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getget[gɛt](getting,got,got ) 1.[NOTE]In spoken American English, the past participlegotten is almost always used.美国英语口语中,过去分词几乎都用gotten2.(BrE also ,get a'round) if sb who isold or ill gets about, they are able to move fromplace to place without difficulty﹙老年人或病人﹚各处走动:She gets about with the help of a stick.她拄着拐棍四处走动。3.(BrE) =GET AROUND[G]v+adv,get a'bout sth (BrE)=GET AROUND STH,get a'bove yourself (especially BrE)4.(often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行时) to havetoo high an opinion of yourself; to behave as ifyou are better than other people自以为了不起;自高自大;自视甚高:She’s been getting a bit above herself since winning that award.她得奖之后有点得意扬扬了。[G]v+prep+pron,get a'cross (to sb)5.to be communicated to sb orunderstood by sb传达,传递信息﹙给某人﹚:The message is finally getting across to the public.这一信息终于传达给了公众。[G]v+adv,get a'cross; ,get a'cross sth 6.to move fromone side of a river, a bridge, a street, etc. to theother通过,穿过﹙河、桥、街道等﹚:How can we get across to the island? 我们怎样才能到达那个岛?The only way to get across the lake is by boat.渡过这个湖的唯一办法就是乘船。Can we get across the city without having to use the subway? 我们不乘地铁能穿过城市吗?[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep,get sth a'cross (also ,get sth 'over less frequent)(to sb ) 7.to communicate sth to sb; to make sth clear to sb﹙向某人﹚传达,把…讲清楚:He’s not very good at getting his ideas across to the class.他不太会讲课。You’ll have to think of new ways of getting your message across effectively.你得琢磨出新方法把你的意思表达清楚。[OBJ]message,point,idea[synonym]put sth across8.[NOTE]Get sth across is not used in the passive. get sth across 不用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,get sb/sth a'cross sth (also ,get sb/sth 'over sth) 9.to move sb/sth, or to help sb/sth move, from one side of sth such as a road, river, bridge, wall,etc. to the other把﹙某人或某物﹚送过﹙马路、河、桥、墙等﹚;使﹙某人或某物﹚通过:We’ve got to get supplies across the border somehow.我们必须想法把供给品运过边界。We got all the injured soldiers across the river.我们把所有伤员都送过河了。Billy got the pony over the jumps with difficulty.比利费劲地鞭策矮马跳过那些障碍。10.[NOTE]Get sb/sth across sth is not used in the passive. get sb/sth across sth 不用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+prep,get 'after sb (informal, especially AmE) 11.to keep asking or telling sb to do sth, often in an annoying way不断催促,敦促﹙某人﹚:She’s been getting after me to take a vacation.她一直催着我休假。I had to get after Jack to clean his room.我得一再催促杰克打扫他的房间。12.to try to catch sb, especially after they have committed a crime追捕;追击:We need to be tougher on those who commit crime and get after drug users more.我们需要更加严厉地对待罪犯,并进一步追捕吸毒者。[G]v+prep,get a'head; ,get a'head of sb 13.to make more progress than other people, companies, etc.; to become successful in your life or your career走在﹙某人的﹚前面;领先;胜过﹙某人﹚;取得成功:It isn’t easy to get ahead in the movie business.想在电影业出类拔萃不是轻而易举的事。By doing extra homework, he soon got ahead of his classmates.他额外做家庭作业,很快就在班上名列前茅了。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+prepget a'head of yourself 14.to tell sb sth before you have fully explained the background or the details that they need to know first﹙ 讲话时未经充分说明﹚直奔正题,直接切入主题,get a'long (informal)15.(often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行时) to leave a place离开;离去:It’s late. We’d better be getting along.不早了,我们最好离开吧。One more coffee and then I must get along.我再喝一杯咖啡就必须走了。see also GET ON 516.(with sb/together)=GET ON 1 17.(with sth) =GET ON 4[G]v+adv,get a'round (BrE also ,get a'bout) 18.(informal)to move from place to place; to go to lots of different places各处走动; 周游:You certainly get around! Paris one minute, Bonn the next.你真是个大旅行家啊!一分钟在巴黎,下一分钟又到了波恩。She can use my car to get around while she’s here.她在这里逗留期间可以开我的车到各处转。19.(of news, a piece of information, etc.消息、信息等) to become known by a lot of people传播;流传:The news of her resignation soon got around.她辞职的消息很快传开了。Word soon got around that they were having an affair.很快人们就纷纷传说他们之间关系暧昧。20.to have an active social life and be aware of what is happening积极参加社交活动;关心时事:It’s time you got around more.你该多了解社会了。see also GET OUT 2 21.(informal,disapproving) to have sexual relationships with lots of different people和很多人有性关系;乱搞22.=GET ABOUT 1[G]v+adv,get a'round; ,get a'round sth =GET ROUND,GET ROUND STH,get a'round sb (especially AmE)=GET ROUND SB,get a'round sth (BrE also ,get a'bout sth, ,get 'round sth) 23.to move around a city, a country,etc.在﹙城市或乡村等﹚四处走动:It’s easy to get around Amsterdam on a bicycle.骑自行车转阿姆斯特丹很方便。24.(of news, a piece of information,etc. 消息、信息等) to become known by a lot of people在…传播﹙或流传﹚:News soon gets round the office.消息很快在办公室传开了。It didn’t take long for the rumour to get all around town.没过多久谣言就传遍了全镇。25.(especially AmE) =GET ROUND STH 3[G]v+prep,get a'round to sth; ,get a'round to doing sth =GET ROUND/AROUND TO STH,GET ROUND/AROUND TO DOING STH'get at sb (informal)26.(usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) to keep criticizing sb一再批评,不断指责,老是数落﹙某人﹚ :Sam’s parents are always getting at him.萨姆的父母老是责备他。She feels she’s being got at.她感到自己总是受人数落。27.to influence sb, especially illegally, for example by threatening them or offering money, in order to persuade them to say sth untrue or act in an unfair way﹙尤指非法地﹚影响某人;胁迫;贿赂;买通;威逼利诱:One of the witnesses had been got at.一名证人被买通了。They even tried getting at the judge.他们甚至试图给法官施加压力。28.[NOTE]Get at sb can be used in the passive. get at sb 可用于被动语态。[G]v+prep'get at sb/sth 29.to reach or obtain sb/sth; to find a way of entering a place, talking to sb, looking at sth, etc.接触某人/事物;取得﹙或通往﹚…:The files are locked up and I can’t get at them.文件资料锁起来了,我取不到。I can’t get at my inheritance until I’m 21.我满21岁时才能得到遗产。30.Get at sb/sth can be used in the passive. get at sb/sth 可用于被动语态:Put it in a place where it can be got at easily.把它放在容易拿到的地方。[G]v+prep'get at sth 31.to learn, discover or find out sth获悉;了解;查明;发现:We’ve got to get at the truth.我们必须查明真相。[OBJ]truth[synonym]find sth out[G]v+prepwhat are you, was he, etc. 'getting at? (spoken)32.used to ask, often in an angry way, what sb is/was suggesting﹙气愤地问﹚你﹙或他等﹚这话是什么意思,你﹙或他等﹚用意何在:What exactly are you getting at? 你到底是什么意思?I see what you’re getting at, but I’m afraid I can’t help you with that.我明白你的意思,可我恐怕帮不上你这个忙。,get a'way 33.to have a holiday/vacation度假;休假:We’re hoping to get away for a few days at Easter.我们期待着复活节出去休几天假。Will you manage to get away this year? 你今年能出去度假吗? 34.(from sth/…) to succeed in leaving a place﹙得以﹚离开,脱身:It was midday before we finally managed to get away.到中午时分我们终于脱身。I won’t be able to get away from the office before 7.我7点钟之前无法离开办公室。35.(from sb/sth/…) to escape from sb or a place摆脱﹙某人﹚;逃离﹙某地﹚:The thieves got away in a blue van.窃贼乘坐一辆蓝色客货车逃跑了。You’re not getting away from me so easily! 我决不会这么轻易放过你的!36.,get a'way (with you)! (BrE, spoken, becoming old-fashioned) used to show that you find it difficult to believe what sb has just said﹙表示某人的话难以置信﹚胡扯:Get away! You could never run that far! 不可能!你决不会跑那么远的!‘I’m going to live in China.’ ‘Get away with you!’ “我要移居中国了。”“开玩笑吧!”[synonym]go on[G]v+adv'getaway n 37.[usually sing.]38.the act of leaving a place in a hurry, especially after committing a crime﹙尤指犯罪后的﹚逃跑,逃走:They made a quick getaway.他们迅速逃跑了。39.a short holiday/vacation; a place for this短假; 假日休闲地:the popular island getaway of Penang热门度假地槟榔屿岛,get a'way from sth; ,get a'way from doing sth 40.to start doing sth in a different way or talking about a different subject改变﹙做事方式﹚;转换﹙话题﹚:The club should get away from its old-fashioned image and try to attract younger people.这个俱乐部应该改变过时的形象以吸引年轻人。I tried to get away from the subject of babies.我试图转换话题不谈婴儿。[G]v+adv+prepget a'way from it all (informal)41.to have a short holiday/vacation in a quiet place where you can relax﹙到他处度短假﹚躲清净there’s no getting a'way from sth;you can’t get a'way from sth 42.you have to admit that sth unpleasant is true不容否认,只好承认﹙不愉快的事实﹚:There’s no getting away from the fact that his mistake lost the game for his team.他的失误导致全队输掉比赛这一事实是无法否认的。,get sb/sth a'way from sth 43.to remove sb/sth from somewhere从某处把…弄走:Get that dog away from me! 把狗从我这儿赶走!Someone was trying to get Angela away from the window.有人正在竭力把安杰拉从窗边拉走。44.[NOTE]Get sb/sth away from sth is not used in the passive. get sb/sth away from sth 不用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv+prep,get a'way with sth 45.to steal sth and escape with it携某物潜逃;偷走:Thieves raided the bank and got away with £50 000.盗贼抢劫了银行并偷走了5万英镑。46.(also ,get a'way with doing sth) (informal) to do sth wrong and not be punished or criticized for it做﹙坏事﹚而未受惩罚﹙或批评﹚:I can’t believe you cheated in the exam and got away with it! 我无法相信你考试作弊居然可以逃脱处罚!Nobody gets away with insulting me like that.这样侮辱我的人我决不会轻饶。47.to receive a relatively light punishment只受到轻罚:For such a serious offence he was lucky to get away with a fine.他犯了如此大的罪而只交罚款了事,算是万幸。[OBJ]fine,warning[G]v+adv+prep,get 'back 48.(from/to sth/…) to return, especially to your home返回;回去;回家:What time did you get back last night? 你昨晚什么时候回家的?We only got back from our trip yesterday.我们昨天才旅行回来。It’ll take us ten minutes to get there and five minutes to get back.我们去那里要用十分钟,回来要用五分钟。49.(from sb/sth) (used especially to give orders 尤用于命令) to move away from a place, a person or sth that is happening走开;退后:Get back or I’ll shoot! 走开,不然我就开枪![synonym]stand back;back off[G]v+adv,get sb 'back 50.to persuade sb to begin a romantic relationship with you again, after you have been apart for some time劝﹙某人﹚恢复恋爱关系;使再续旧情:I’ve done everything I can to get her back.我已经尽全力劝她回心转意了。51.(for sth/for doing sth) (informal) =GET BACK AT SB52.[NOTE]Get sb back is not used in the passive. get sb back 不用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv,get sb/sth 'back (to sth/…) 53.to take sb/sth back to a place after they have been away from it把…带回,把…送回﹙某处﹚:We’ll get her back home before midnight.我们将在午夜之前把她送回家。54.[NOTE]Get sb/sth back is not used in the passive. get sb/sth back 不用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv,get sth 'back 55.to obtain sth again after you have lost it, spent it, lent it to sb, etc.取回,重新获得﹙丢失或借出的东西等﹚:She’s got her old job back.她已恢复原职。I never lend people books; you never get them back.我的书从不外借─借出去就收不回来了。If I don’t like the dress, can I get my money back? 如果我不喜欢这件连衣裙,可以退钱给我吗?There isn’t much of a chance of getting the wallet back }(= it has been stolen)&b{.寻回﹙失窃的﹚皮夹机会不大。56.[NOTE]Get sth backcannot be used in the passive. get sth back 不用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n (rare)get your 'breath back (BrE)57.to start breathing normally again after physical exercise﹙体育运动之后﹚恢复正常呼吸:It took me a while to get my breath back after running for the bus.我追公共汽车之后过了好一会儿才缓过气来。(figurative) I haven’t had a moment to get my breath back (= I’ve been very busy) since we came back from Prague.自从我们从布拉格回来之后,我忙得连喘息的时间都没有。,get 'back at sb (also ,get sb 'back) (for sth/for doing sth ) (informal) 58.to punish or hurt sb because they have done sth unpleasant to you向某人报复:This is his way of getting back at me for arguing with him.这是他因为我和他争论而报复我的方式。I’ll get her back for what she’s done.我会为她的所作所为报复她的。[synonym]pay sb back (for sth/for doing sth)[G]v+adv+prep ◆ v+n/pron+adv,get back 'into sth59.to start being interested or involved in a particular activity again再度对…产生兴趣;重新参与;重操旧业:She’ll try to get back into journalism when the kids start school.孩子们入学之后,她将重新干记者这行。How soon should I get back into serious training?我要过多久才应恢复正式训练?[G]v+adv+prep,get 'back to sb 60.to reply to sb or contact them again by letter or by telephone以后再答覆﹙或回覆﹚某人:Leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.留个信儿吧,我尽早答覆你。They never got back to me about my order.订单给了他们就杳无音讯。[G]v+adv+prep,get 'back to sth 61.to start doing or talking about sth again; to return to sth回到某事上:To get back to what I was saying earlier…再谈一下我前面所说的? Once I was awake I couldn’t get back to sleep.我一醒就再也睡不着了。Let’s get back to the point.我们回到主题上来吧。[G]v+adv+prep,get 'back with sb; ,get back to'gether 62.to begin a romantic relationship with sb again,after you have been apart for some time﹙ 和某人﹚恢复恋爱关系,再续旧情:Jack’s getting back with his ex-girlfriend.杰克和前女友恢复恋爱关系了。Jack and his girlfriend are getting back together.杰克和女朋友恢复恋爱关系了。see also GET TOGETHER 2[G]v+adv+prep ◆ v+adv+adv,get be'hind (with sth) 63.to not go as fast as is necessary or as other people; to not produce sth at the right time落后;拖延;拖欠:Once I get behind (with my work) it’s very hard to catch up.我﹙工作﹚ 一旦落后就很难赶上。We’re getting behind with the rent.我们拖欠租金了。[synonym]drop behind,drop behind sb/sth;fall behind,fall behind sb/sth[opposite]get ahead[G]v+adv,get be'hind sb/sth 64.to move into a position behind sb/sth到…后面:If you get behind the tree, she won’t see you.你躲到树后面吧,她不会看见你的。He seems to go mad when he gets behind the wheel of a car.他走到车子的方向盘前就好像发疯似的。65.to reveal the person or thing responsible for starting or developing sth显露,揭示﹙背后的人或事物﹚:This is a programme that really gets behind the world of pop music.这个节目彻底揭示了流行音乐界的幕后情况。66.(especially AmE) to support sb/sth and help them to succeed支持;扶持:The whole town got behind him/the campaign.全镇的人都支持他/这场运动。[G]v+prep,get be'yond sth 67.(also ,get 'past sth) to move or advance further than a particular place超过, 超出﹙ 某处﹚ :I haven’t been able to get beyond chapter one.我还没能看完第一章呢。When we got beyond York, it started to snow.我们过了约克郡之后就开始下雪了。68.(also ,get 'past sth) to make progress so that you no longer do or are interested in a particular thing超出,超脱﹙某事物﹚:Hasn’t she got beyond/past the stage of sucking her thumb yet? 她还没有超过吮吸拇指阶段吗?69.to become more than sth多出;多于:What if our losses get beyond 10%?如果我们亏损超过10% 怎么办?[G]v+prepget beyond a 'joke 70.to become annoying and no longer acceptable变得令人恼火;变得无法接受﹙或过分﹚:This rain is getting beyond a joke. Let’s go inside.这雨越来越烦人了。我们进屋吧。,get 'by 71.to manage to live or do a particular thing using the money, knowledge, equipment, etc.that you have﹙靠…﹚维持生计,设法过活,勉强应付:How does she get by on such a small salary? 她靠这点微薄的工资怎么过活?‘Are you earning more money now?’ ‘I get by.’ “你现在赚钱多一些了吗?”“够煳口吧。”She’s got a deadline to meet, so she’s getting by on vi

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