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givegive[gɪv](gave,given) ,give sb a'way 1.(in a marriage ceremony在婚礼上) to lead the woman who is getting married to the man she is going to marry and formally allow her to marry him将新娘交给新郎:Her father gave her away.她父亲把她交给新郎。2.(BrE) to give a baby or a child to another person to take care of as their own child把﹙ 婴儿或孩子﹚送人;把…给别人抚养:She had never understood why her mother had given her away.她一直不理解母亲为什么把她送给了别人。see also GIVE SB UP 2 [G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,give sb/sth/yourself a'way 3.to do or say sth that shows sth about sb/sth/yourself that was a secret泄露;透露;泄密;吐露:It was her eyes that gave her away }(= showed how she really felt)&b{.是她的眼睛流露出她的真实感受。He never gives very much away about himself.他从不怎么透露自己的身分。She had given away state secrets to the enemy.她把国家机密泄露给了敌人。I found I could tell lies confidently without giving myself away.我发现自己能面不改色心不跳地说谎。[OBJ]nothing,anything,little[synonym]betray sb/sth/yourself (more formal)[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,give the 'game away 4.to tell a secret, especially by accident; to show sth that has been hidden不慎泄露;露馅;露马脚:I don’t want to give the game away by telling you how the movie ends.我不想提前把电影的结尾透露给你。'giveaway n 5.(informal) something that makes you guess the real truth about sth使真相暴露的事物:He said he was French, but his accent was a dead giveaway ! }(= showed clearly that he was not French)&b{他说他是法国人,可他的口音使他彻底露馅了!see also GIVEAWAY at GIVE STH AWAY ,give sth a'way 6.to give sth to sb as a gift把某物送出去﹙或捐出去﹚:He decided to give most of his money away.他决定把他的大部份钱捐出去。We have 200 tickets to give away free to our viewers.我们有200 张票免费赠送给我们的电视观众。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'giveaway n (informal) 7.something that a company gives free, usually with a product for sale,to persuade people to buy it﹙公司为推销产品搭送的﹚随赠品see also GIVEAWAY at GIVE SB/STH/YOURSELF AWAY'give-away adj 8.[only before noun] (informal)(of prices价格) very low低廉的,give sb 'back (to sb) 9.to return a child to its parents把孩子交还﹙给父母﹚:We love our grandchildren dearly, but we are happy to give them back at the end of the day! 我们疼爱孙子孙女,但最终还是乐意把他们送回父母身边。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,give sth 'back (to sb) 10.to return sth to its owner还,归还,送回﹙给…﹚:You can’t have it. Give it back! 你不能留着它。送回去!Have you given back the money you borrowed from your father? 你把借你父亲的钱还了吗?Can you lend me $20? I’ll give it back to you later.你能借我20 元吗?我以后还你。The new law gives some power back to the people.新法规返还了一些权力给人民。(figurative) The operation gave him back the use of his legs.手术使他的双腿恢复了功能。[synonym]hand sth back (to sb);return sth (to sb)(more formal)11.In informal language give sb back sth and, less often, give sb sth back are also used.非正式语言也说give sb back sth ,有时说give sb sth back :Could you give me back my pen? 把笔还给我好吗? Could you give me my pen back? 把笔还给我好吗?12.In very informal spoken English, you can also say非正式口语也可以说:I’ll give you it back tomorrow.我明天把它还给你。or或I’ll give it you back tomorrow.我明天把它还给你。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'give sth for sth 13.to pay or give a particular amount to have or do sth以…支付﹙或换取﹚… :How much did you give for the car? 你买这辆车花了多少钱? I’d give anything for a cold beer.我愿意拿任何东西换瓶冰镇啤酒。14.[NOTE]Give sth for sth is not used in the passive. give sth for sth 不用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+prep,give 'in (to sb/sth) 15.to accept that you have been defeated or persuaded by sb﹙ 向… ﹚ 屈服,认输:I give in — you’ll have to tell me the answer.我输了─你得告诉我答案。Eventually I gave in to temptation and had an ice cream.我终于经不起诱惑吃了冰激凌。16.to finally agree to do sth that you do not want to do﹙向…﹚低头,作出让步; 屈从… :We mustn’t give in to terrorist demands.我们决不能对恐怖分子的要求让步。She gives in to the children all the time to avoid arguments.她一直让着孩子们,免得争吵。[opposite]hold out (against sb/sth)[G]v+adv,give sth 'in (to sb) 17.to hand sth to sb in authority,for example a teacher呈上;交上:Please give your test in (to the teacher) when you’ve finished.卷子做完之后请交上来。[synonym]hand sth in (to sb)[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'give of sth;'give of yourself (formal)18.to give your time or money willingly to help other people without expecting them to do anything for you贡献时间﹙或钱财等﹚;奉献;献身:She’s always willing to give of her time to help the homeless.她随时愿意为帮助无家的人奉献自己的时间。The teacher encourages all the children to give of their best .老师鼓励所有的孩子把最好的贡献出来。[OBJ]time,best[G]v+prep ◆ v+prep+pron,give 'off sth; ,give it/them 'off 19.to produce sth such as heat, light, smoke, etc.发出,放出﹙热、光、烟等﹚:Burning apple wood gives off a pleasing smell.燃烧苹果木散发出芬芳气味。[OBJ]smell,aroma,light,gas

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