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gogo[gəʊ](goes ,went,gone) 1.[NOTE]Been is used as the past participle ofgo when sb has gone somewhere and come back.某人到别处后已回来,go 的过去分词用been,go a'bout; ,go a'bout sth (BrE)=GO AROUND,GO AROUND STH 3,go a'bout; ,go a'bout sth; ,go a'bout doing sth (BrE)=GO AROUND,GO AROUND STH,GOAROUND DOING STH'go about sth 2.to continue to do sth in your usualway, especially after sth unusual has happened;to keep busy with sth﹙尤指不寻常的事情发生后﹚ 继续做某事; 忙于某事:Everybody was going about their business as usual.大家照常忙着自己的事。[OBJ]your business,the business of…, work,task[G]v+prep,go a'bout sth; ,go a'bout doing sth 3.to start to work at sth; to approach or deal with sth开始做;着手处理:I want to help, but I don’t know how to go about it.我想帮忙, 可不知道如何帮。How should I go about finding a job? 我该怎样着手找工作呢?You’re not going about it the right way.你做这事的方法不对。It seems a strange way of going about things .这种处事方法好像很奇怪。[OBJ]things[synonym]set about sth,set about doing sth;tackle sth[G]v+prep,go a'bout with sb; ,go a'bout together(BrE) =GO AROUND WITH SB,GO AROUND TOGETHER,go a'cross; ,go a'cross sth 4.to cross a room, a road, a river, etc. in order to get to the other side通过,穿过﹙房间、道路、河等﹚:We borrowed a boat and went across to the island.我们借了条船划到岛上去。Can you go across the road to the store for me? 你能替我到马路对面的商店去跑一趟吗?[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep,go 'after sb/sth 5.to chase or follow a person or an animal to try to catch them追赶某人﹙或动物﹚;跟在…后面:He went after the burglars.他追赶那些窃贼。Aren’t you going to go after her to see if she’s all right? 你要不要跟着她看看她是不是没事?6.to try to get or obtain sb/sth追求某人;谋求某事﹙或某物﹚:We’re both going after the same job.我们俩都在谋求同一份工作。[G]v+prep,go a'gainst sb 7.if a result, a judgement, etc. goes against sb, it is not in their favour or to their advantage﹙结果、判决等﹚对某人不利,不利于某人:The jury’s verdict went against him.陪审团的裁决对他不利。The war is going against us.战争开始对我们不利。[G]v+prep,go a'gainst sb/sth 8.to resist or oppose sb/sth; to act in a different way from what sb tells you or advises you to do反抗﹙或反对﹚某人﹙或某事﹚;与…相背:Anyone who goes against me will be punished.任何与我作对的人都将受到惩罚。He was going against his doctor’s advice by continuing to work.他没有遵照医嘱,而是继续工作。Don’t go against your parents’ wishes.不要违背你父母的意愿。[G]v+prep,go a'gainst sth 9.to be opposed or contrary to sth;to not fit or agree with sth违反某事物;与…不符﹙或相反﹚:This goes against everything I believe in.这完全违背了我的信念。Paying for my children’s education goes against my principles.为孩子们负担桝育费有违我的原则。[OBJ]principles,beliefs[G]v+prepgo against the 'grain10.to be sth different from what is normal or natural for you and so sth you do not like doing背离本性﹙或个人的做法等﹚ :It went against the grain to have to agree with my brother.我真不愿意同意我哥哥。,go a'head 11.(also ,go a'head of sb) to go in front of other people who are going in the same direction as you and arrive before them走在﹙某人﹚前面; 先走:She went ahead of him into the house.她在他前面进了屋子。You go ahead and we’ll follow when we’re ready.你先走一步,我们准备好了随后就去。12.(of a plan, a project,a deal, etc.计划、方案、交易等) to be carried out or happen进行;实行:The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned.新桥的修建将按计划进行。Filming went ahead in spite of the bad weather.虽然天气不好,电影拍摄工作照常进行。[synonym]proceed (formal)13.(with sth ) if sb goes ahead with sth, they do it,although there may be a problem, or sb may have objected or expressed doubts进行﹙遇到障碍的事﹚:In spite of her illness, Anna decided to go ahead with the wedding.安娜尽管病了,还是决定照常举行婚礼。‘May I start now?’ ‘Yes, go ahead }(= I give you permission)&b{.’ “我现在可以开始了吗?”“可以,开始吧。[synonym]proceed (with sth )[G]v+adv 1 }also&b{ v+adv+prepthe 'go-ahead n 14.[sing.] permission or approval for sth to start批准;许可:Has the boss given you the go-ahead for the project? 老板批准了你这个项目吗?'go-ahead adj 15.[usually before noun] (BrE) very ambitious; trying hard to succeed, often by using new methods and ideas雄心勃勃的;进取的;有开拓精神的:a go-ahead young designer 开拓型的年轻设计师,go a'long 16.to progress; to develop or improve进展; 发展; 改进:Things are going along nicely.情况进展良好。17.(to sth) (with sb ) to go somewhere or to an event with sb﹙和某人﹚去某处,去某场合:I went along to the club a couple of times.我到这家俱乐部去过几次。Sam said he’d go along to the party with us.萨姆说他要和我们一起去参加聚会。18.(especially AmE) to do what sb else suggests or does遵照…的建议;追随…的做法:Whatever Ed said, Max went right along.埃德说什么马克斯就做什么。[G]v+advas you go a'long19.while you are doing sth在做某事的同时:He made the story up as he went along.这个故事是他现编现讲的。I was never taught how to use a computer. I just picked it up as I went along.从来没有人桝我如何使用电脑。我只是边用边学会。,go a'long; ,go a'long sth 20.to move forward or from one end of sth towards the other向前走;沿着… 移动:The bus rattled as it went along.公共汽车啷啷地往前开着。I went along a dark narrow passage, past several doors.我沿着一条黑暗狭窄的通道向前走,经过了几道门。[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep,go a'long with sb/sth 21.(especially BrE) to agree with sb/sth赞同某事;和某人观点一致:I can’t go along with you on that point.在那一点上我不敢苟同。22.to accept sth or do sth, especially when you do not really want to﹙不情愿地﹚同意,接受…:They didn’t like the idea, but they went along with it.他们不喜欢这个主意,可还是接受了。I didn’t want to make him angry, so I just went along with him }(= I didn’t argue with him)&b{.我不想惹他生气,所以就不同他争辩。[synonym]fall in with sth (BrE)[G]v+adv+prep,go a'round (AmE)=GO ROUND,go a'round; ,go a'round sth (BrE also ,go 'round, ,go 'round sth) 23.to visit a group of people or places, one by one逐一见某人﹙或到某处﹚;走遍…:I’ll go around and check all the doors are locked.我来挨处看看所有的门都锁上了没有。We spent all afternoon going round the shops.我们整整一下午都在四处逛商店。She went round the table and said goodbye to everyone.她和一桌人一一道别。24.(of a note, etc.字条等) to be sent round a group of people so that everyone can read it被传阅:A card’s going around for people to sign.传给大家的一张贺卡是供签名的。A memo went around the department.部门中传阅了一份便函。25.(BrE also ,go a'bout, ,go a'bout sth) if a piece of news, an illness,etc. goes around, it spreads from one person to another﹙在…﹚流传,传播:There’s a rumour going around that Sam and Kate are having an affair.谣传萨姆和凯特之间关系暧昧。There’s a nasty virus going round the school.有一种恶性病毒在这所学校传播着。[synonym]float around,float around sth26.to move or be placed in a circle旋转;转动:The cyclist was going round the roundabout the wrong way.骑自行车的人在环岛处乱拐。The earth goes round the sun.地球围绕太阳转。( figurative) We’re going round in circles in this argument.我们一直在这论点上绕圈子。27.to be enough for everyone to have a share足够分给每个人;够每人一份:There aren’t enough chairs to go round.椅子不够坐。Is there enough food to go around all the guests? 食物够分给所有客人吗?28.to move around the outside of sth in order to get past sth or get to the other side绕道;绕过…:We didn’t go into the city. We went around it.我们没有进城。我们绕了过去。Because of the flood, we had to go round by the minor roads to get to school.由于发洪水,我们只好择小道绕行去学校。29.to travel in a country or place and visit lots of different things周游;游览…:We travel around by bus.我们乘公共汽车到各处旅行。They’re saving up to go around the world.他们正在攒钱准备周游世界。We’re planning to go round visiting all the temples.我们打算游遍所有庙宇。30.to visit every part of a room or building﹙在房间或建筑物内﹚到处走动,看遍各处:How long does it take to go around the museum?把这座博物馆看遍需要多长时间? A guide will go round with you.导游将带你去各处参观。[G]v+adv ◆ v+prepwhat ,goes around 'comes around31.whatever happens now will have an effect in the future互为因果,go a'round [+adv/prep ], ,go a'round sth [+adv/prep ], ,go a'round doing sth (BrE also ,go 'round/about [+adv/prep ], ,go 'round/about sth [+adv/prep],,go 'round/a'bout doing sth) 32.to dress or behave in a particular way; to do sth regularly以某种方式穿着﹙或行动﹚;时常做某事:She goes around barefoot most of the time.她大部份时间光着脚到处跑。It’s not safe to go about the streets alone.独自在大街上行走不安全。You can’t go round spreading rumours like that.你不能那样散播谣言。The kids went around in gangs, dressed completely in black.孩子们穿着一身黑衣服结伙行动。33.[NOTE]Go around/round/about and go around/round/about sth are used with an adverb or a phrase beginning with a preposition. go around/round/about go around/round/about sth 与副词或介词短语连用。[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep,go a'round sb/sth (BrE also ,go 'round sb/sth)34.to surround or go in a circle around sb/sth包围;环绕:I felt his arm going around my shoulder.我感觉到他的胳膊搂着我的肩膀。The belt won't go round my waist! 我的皮带不够长了![G]v+prep,go a'round sth (BrE also ,go 'round sth) 35.to move or travel around a corner绕过拐角﹙或弯道﹚:The car’s tyres screeched as it went round the bend.汽车转弯时轮胎发出尖利的声音。Maggie watched until Jess had gone around the corner and was out of sight.玛吉一直目送杰斯绕过拐角处从视线中消失。[OBJ]only corner,bend [G]v+prepgo round the 'bend/ 'twist (informal, especially BrE)36.to go crazy发疯;疯狂:If I have to stay in this place another day, I’ll go round the bend! 我要是非得在这个地方再呆上一天,我就会疯了!,go a'round with sb; ,go a'round together (BrE also ,go a'bout/'round with sb,,go a'bout/'round together) (becoming old-fashioned) 37.to spend a lot of time with sb or with a group of people和某人﹙或一伙人﹚泡在一块儿:Ann goes around with Sue.安和休形影不离。Ann and Sue go around together.安和休形影不离。These are the people I used to go around with.这些人从前经常和我在一起。[synonym]hang around with sb,hang around together[G]v+adv+prep ◆ v+adv+adv'go at sb 38.to attack sb攻击某人:He went at me like a wild animal.他像只野兽一样扑向我。[G]v+prep'go at sth 39.to make great efforts to do sth; to work hard and with enthusiasm at sth拚命干;卖力干:They went at the job as if their lives depended on it.他们干起活来好像性命攸关似的。He was going at the food as though he hadn’t eaten for days.他狼吞虎咽地吃着,好像饿了好几天。[G]v+prepgo at it ,hammer and 'tongs 40.if two people go at it hammer and tongs, they argue or fight with a lot of energy and noise激烈争吵﹙ 或打斗﹚,go a'way 41.to leave a place or a person走开;离开:Go away! You’re annoying me! 走开!你惹我心烦了!Go away and think about it a bit.到一边去想一想。42.to leave home for a period of time, especially for a holiday/vacation离家外出﹙尤指度假﹚:They went away for the weekend.他们周末外出了。Are you going away on holiday this year? 你今年要去度假吗?She goes away on business a lot.她经常出差。43.to disappear gradually逐渐消失:The smell still hasn’t gone away.这气味还没散。Has your headache gone away? 你头痛好了吗?The longing never went away.这种渴望从未消失。[opposite]come back[G]v+adv,go a'way with sth 44.to leave a place with a particular feeling or impression带着某种感觉﹙或印象﹚离开:I don’t want people to go away with the wrong idea.我不想让人们带着错误的想法离开。[G]v+adv+prep,go 'back 45.(to sth/…) to return to a place where you were before回到,返回﹙某地﹚:Can we go back inside? 我们可以回到里面了吗? I made a cup of tea and went back to bed.我泡了杯茶后又回到床上。When are you going back to Australia? 你什么时候回澳大利亚?46.(to sth) to return to school or work after a break﹙休假后﹚返校,开学,回去工作:The children have to go back to school next week.孩子们下个星期就得返校了。47.(to sb/sth) to be in a situation that you were in before回到﹙某人处﹚;恢复﹙从前的状态﹚:We can never go back to how things were before }(= in a relationship, for example)&b{.我们永远不可能回到从前了。Once you have taken this decision, there’s no going back .你一做出这个决定就不能改变。I don’t think Emily will go back to her husband }(= live with him again)&b{.我认为埃米莉不会回到丈夫的身边。48.(to sth ) to return to work after being on strike﹙罢工之后﹚复工:The strikers won’t go back (to work) until they get a pay rise.罢工的人要争取到加薪才肯恢复生产。49.(to sth) (informal) (of sth that you have bought or borrowed 购买的或借的东西) to be returned to the place where you got it被退回;被归还:This toaster will have to go back to the shop — it doesn’t work properly.这吐司炉得退回去商店─它有毛病。When does this video have to go back? 这盘录像带什么时候要还?50.(of clocks and watches 钟表) to be set to an earlier time when the time changes at the end of summer﹙夏季结束时﹚被拨回原来的时间,把时针往回拨:The clocks go back tonight.We get an extra hour in bed.时钟今晚要拨回原来的时间了。我们可以多睡一个小时。[opposite]go forward[G]v+adv,go 'back…51.if two people go back a period of time, they have known each other and have been friends for that time相识, 已认识﹙ 一段时间﹚:Adam and I go back a long way .亚当和我是老相识了。52.(also ,go 'back to sth) to have existed since a particular time in the past追溯到;回溯到:Our friendship goes back fifteen years.我们的友谊是从十五年前开始的。This tradition goes back to medieval times.这个传统可追溯到中世纪。[synonym]date back…,date back to sth 53.(also ,go 'back to sth) to consider sth that happened in the past回忆起; 回到﹙ 先前的事﹚ :To trace the origins of the problem, we have to go back to the 18th century.为了找到这个问题的根源,我们必须回到18世纪。I’m going back a few years now… }(= I’m talking about sth that happened some years ago)&b{我现在谈的是几年前的事?[G]v+adv 2,3 }also&b{ v+adv+prep,go 'back on sth 54.to fail to keep a promise; to change your mind about sth违约;食言;改变主意:She never goes back on her word }(= fails to do what she has said she will do)&b{.她从不食言。He went back on his promise.他违背了诺言。I don’t like to go back on what I said.我不喜欢出尔反尔。[OBJ]your promise,your word[G]v+adv+prepgo 'back over sth 55.to think about sth again or often﹙时常﹚回想,回顾:I went back over the day’s events in my mind.我回想了一下白天发生的事。[G]v+adv+prep,go 'back to sth 56.to start talking about sth again回到﹙原来的话题﹚:To go back to what you were saying before…回到你前面的话题?[synonym]return to sth 57.=GO BACK… 2 58.=GO BACK…3[G]v+adv+prep,go 'back to sth; ,go 'back to doing sth 59.to start doing sth again that you had stopped doing重新开始;重操旧业:Tom turned over and went back to sleep.汤姆翻了个身又睡着了。I wouldn’t go back to living in the city.我不会回城里居住的。She’s decided to go back to teaching.她已决定重新执桝。John’s going back to college to get some more qualifications.约翰要回到大学继续深造。60.(of a situation 局势) to return to what it was before sth else happened回到,恢复﹙先前的状况﹚:Things haven’t gone back to normal yet.局面尚未恢复正常。[synonym]return to sth[G]v+adv+prep,go be'fore (literary)61.(not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to exist or happen in an earlier time居先;先前存在;以往发生:The present crisis is worse than any that have gone before.目前的危机比以往任何一次都严重。62.[NOTE]Go before is usually used in the past or perfect tenses. go before 通常用于过去时或完成时。[G]v+adv'go before sb/sth 63.

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