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grindgrind[grʌɪnd](ground,ground) ,grind sb 'down 1.to treat sb in a harsh way or annoy them for a long time until they can no longer defend themselves or fight back折磨,揉搓﹙某人﹚:Don’t let your colleagues grind you down! 别让你的同事亏待你! The villagers had been ground down by years of poverty.村民年复一年地受贫穷的折腾。[synonym]wear sb down[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,grind sth 'down 2.to rub sth against a hard surface in order to make it smooth and shiny打磨;磨光[synonym]wear sth down[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,grind 'on 3.to continue for a long time in a boring or unpleasant way磨蹭;缠磨:The negotiations ground on for months.谈判拖拖拉拉持续了几个月。[G]v+adv,grind sth 'out 4.to produce sth in large quantities over a long period of time, especially sth that is not interesting or of good quality大量生产;﹙尤指﹚粗制漤造:He grinds out a novel a month.他一个月就胡乱拼凑出一部小说。[synonym]churn sth out 5.to press a burning cigarette down firmly with your hand or your foot in order to stop it burning捻灭,踩灭﹙烟头﹚:He ground out the cigarette with his heel.他用鞋跟踩灭了香烟。[synonym]stub sth out[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv

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