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growgrow[grəʊ](grew,grown ) ,grow a'part 1.to become less close to sb in a relationship逐渐疏远;变得生疏:We used to be good friends, but we’ve grown apart.我们曾经很要好,可现在疏远了。[G]v+adv,grow a'way from sb 2.to come to have a less close relationship with sb; to depend on sb less逐渐疏远某人;减少对某人的依赖:She has grown away from her parents.她不再那么依赖父母了。[G]v+adv+prep,grow 'back3.if hair, fur, etc. grows back, it starts to grow again after it has been cut or damaged﹙毛发等﹚再生长:His hair grew back thicker after he shaved his head.他剃光头以后头发长得更浓密了。[SUBJ]hair[G]v+adv,grow 'into sth 4.to gradually become sth over a period of time逐渐长成…:She had grown into a beautiful young woman.她出落成了一个漂亮的姑娘。5.if a child grows into clothes, he/she becomes big enough to fit into them长大至穿…合身:This coat’s too big for him now, but he’ll grow into it.这件大衣他现在穿太大,不过他长大了就合身。[OBJ]coat,trousers,etc.[opposite]grow out of sth 6.to become familiar with and confident in a new job, activity, etc.适应,开始熟习﹙新事物﹚:He needs time to grow into the job.他需要时间适应这个工作。[OBJ]job,role[G]v+prep'grow on sb 7.if sb/sth grows on you, you gradually like them/it more and more逐渐为某人所喜爱:That painting’s really grown on me.那幅画实在让我越来越喜欢了。[G]v+prep,grow 'out 8.if the colour or style of your hairgrows out, it disappears as your hair grows﹙头发染色或发式﹚因头发长长而消失:I had my hair coloured six weeks ago, but it’s growing out now.我是六个星期前染发的,可现在长得快退光了。[G]v+adv,grow sth 'out 9.to let your hair grow so that the colour or style changes or disappears让头发长长以使染色﹙ 或发式﹚ 消失:I’ve decided to grow the layers out.我决定把我分层削短的头发留长。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,grow 'out of sth 10.if a child grows out of clothes, he/she becomes too big to wear them长大至穿不进…:She grows out of her clothes so fast! 她这么快就长得穿不进她的衣服了![OBJ]coat,trousers,etc.[synonym]outgrow sth[opposite]grow into sth 11.to stop doing something or suffering from sth as you become older长大至不再做某事﹙或不再受…之苦﹚:He grew out of his eczema as he got older.他长大后湿疹就好了。He was a very rebellious teenager, but he grew out of it .他十几岁时非常叛逆,但长大后就好了。[synonym]outgrow sth 12.to develop from sth产生于,源于﹙…﹚:These laws grew out of a need to protect children.这些法规是为保护儿童而制定的。[G]v+adv+prep,grow 'up 13.when a person grows up, they become an adult长大成人:Kate’s growing up fast.凯特长得很快。Oh, grow up }(= behave in a more sensible way)&b{ and stop making such a fuss! 喂,懂事点,别这么闹了!He was a difficult teenager, but grew up to be a responsible adult.他十几岁时很难相与,可长大成人之后很有责任心。14.[+adv/prep ] to spend the time you are a child in a particular place or in a particular way﹙在某地或以某方式﹚生长,长大:He grew up in Portugal.他在葡萄牙长大。Mel and I grew up together.梅尔和我是一起长大的。This generation has grown up on MTV.这代人是在音乐电视前长大的。15.to develop gradually逐渐发展;形成:The town had grown up around the abbey.这个镇子是环绕着修院发展起来的。A cult had grown up around him.他凝聚了一种对他的狂热崇拜。[synonym]develop16.Do not confuse this phrasal verb withgrow . Grow can be used without an object to mean ‘increase in size, number, cost, etc.’ Grow,but not grow up, can be used with an object.不要将这个短语动词和grow 混淆。grow 不带宾语可用于表示规模、数目、费用等增长。grow 可带宾语,grow up 不可以:to grow vegetables种植蔬菜17.Use bring sb up to refer to parents caring for their children until they are grown up and teaching them how to behave, etc.抚养桝育孩子用bring sb up[G]v+adv,grown-'up adj (informal)18.mentally and physically an adult长大成人的;成年的:He has two grown-up children.他有两个已成年的孩子。19.adult, mature成人的; 成熟的:Susie is very grown-up for her age.相对她的年龄来说苏西非常成熟。'grown-up n (informal) 20.(used especially by adults when talking to children, or by children尤用于成年人对儿童说话或作儿童用语) an adult person大人;成人:The grown-ups will sit at one table and the children at another.大人坐一桌,孩子坐另一桌。

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