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hackhack[hak],hack sth a'bout (BrE, informal, disapproving)1.to cut or change sth in a rough and careless way乱砍;乱剪;粗率(或胡乱)地改变:The hairdressers have hacked her hair about a bit.理发师把她的头发削得有点乱。(figurative) The script was hacked about by several people before the movie was finished.电影拍完之前,有几个人大刀阔斧地把脚本删改得面目全非。[G]v+n/pron+adv'hack at sth; ,hack a'way (at sth) 2.to try to cut sth using strong rough blows with an axe, a knife, scissors, etc.猛砍;用力噼;猛剪:She’s really hacked at my hair. It’s a complete mess.她实在是对我的头发下了狠手,把它剪得一塌煳涂。He was hacking away at the trees with an axe.他用斧子对着那些树猛砍。Don’t hack at it! Cut it carefully! 不要乱剪!仔仔细细地剪![G]v+prep ◆ v+adv,hack sth 'down3.to cut a tree, etc. roughly so that it falls to the ground砍倒,砍伐(树等):They are hacking down the forests to sell the timber.他们在砍伐森林销售木材。[OBJ]tree[synonym]chop sth down[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,hack 'into sth (computing)4.to find a way of looking at or changing the information on sb else’s computer without their knowledge or permission非法侵入(他人计算机系统):A teenage girl managed to hack into the bank’s computer.一名十几岁的女孩设法侵入了这家银行的计算机。[G]v+prep,hack sb 'off (BrE, informal)5.to make sb feel extremely annoyed or irritated使极其恼怒;使非常生气:He was hacked off with the whole situation.他对整个局面大为恼火。She always wants her jobs done in the next 10 minutes. That really hacks me off.她总是要别人10 分钟之内就把活干完。这使我非常气愤。6.[NOTE]Hack sb off is usually used in the passive or as an adjective. hack sb off 通常用于被动语态或用作形容词。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,hack sth 'off; ,hack sth 'off sth 7.to cut sth off sth with rough heavy blows把…(从…上)砍下来;削掉(…上的)…:They hacked off the dead branches.他们把枯树枝砍掉了。He hacked the padlock off the door.他把门上的挂锁砸掉了。She was always threatening to hack her lovely long hair off with the kitchen scissors.她总是威胁说要用厨房剪刀剪掉她那漂亮的长发。[synonym]chop sth off,chop sth off sth[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+n/pron+prep,hack sth 'up 8.to cut sth very roughly into large pieces把…剁成大块:He hacked up the meat with a large knife.他用大刀大块大块地把肉剁开。[synonym]chop sth up[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv

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