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harkhark[hɑːk]'hark at sb (spoken, humorous)1.used only in the form hark at sb, to show that you think what sb has just said is stupid, or shows too much pride(只用于hark at sb的形式)听听某人的蠢话, 看某人的傲慢样子:‘I need to lose some weight.’ ‘Hark at her! She’s so thin I can hardly see her!’ “我需要减减肥。”“听她有多傻!她瘦得我都快看不见她人了!”[G]v+prep,hark 'back to sth 2.to talk about or remember sth that happened in the past or was mentioned before重提,回忆起(过去的事):You can’t keep harking back to the past.你不能没完没了地唸叨从前。[OBJ]the past,youth3.[NOTE]In this meaning hark back to sth is often used in the progressive tenses. hark back to sth 作此义时常用于进行时。4.(BrE) to remind you of or to be like sth in the past使想起;和(过去的事物)相似:The melody harks back to one of his earlier symphonies.这首曲子使人想起他早期的一首交响曲。5.[NOTE]In this meaning hark back to sth is not used in the progressive tenses. hark back to sth 作此义时不用于进行时。[G]v+adv+prep

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