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hidehide[hʌɪd](hid/hidden) ,hide a'way; ,hide yourself a'way 1.to go to a place secretly because you do not want anyone to find you躲起来;躲藏:She used to hide away in her room when she got depressed.她以前心情沮丧就躲在自己房间里。She hid herself away until she felt better.她躲起来直到心情好些。[G]v+adv ◆ v+pron+adv'hideaway n 2.a place where sb goes to be alone藏身处;躲藏的地方,hide sb/sth a'way 3.to put sb/sth in a secret place so that no one else can find them/it把人(或东西) 藏起来:You won’t find your present — I’ve hidden it away! 你找不到你的礼物的─我藏起来了![G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n (less frequent),hide 'out 4.to go to a secret place to escape from sb who is trying to find you躲藏, 隐匿(避开某人):He hid out in the woods.他藏在树林里。[G]v+adv'hideout n 5.a place where sb goes when they do not want to be found藏身处

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