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lacelace[leɪs],lace 'up; ,lace sth 'up 1.to tie the strings that go through the holes on a shoe to fasten it (shoelaces or laces ) 把鞋带系牢:She laced her shoes up.她系好了鞋带。[OBJ]shoes,boots[synonym]do up,do sth up2.[NOTE]Lace sth is also used with this meaning. lace sth 也作此义。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'lace-up n 3.[usually pl.] (BrE) shoes fastened with strings系带鞋:As a child, she always wore lace-ups.她小时候总是穿系带鞋。lace-up shoes 系带鞋'lace sth with sth 4.to put a small amount of sth, such as alcohol, a drug, poison, etc. into a drink给(饮料)掺(少许酒、药、毒药等):Someone had laced the cat’s milk with alcohol.有人在猫的奶里加了点酒。5.(especially BrE) to put a lot of a particular quality into sth such as a speech, a piece of writing, etc.把(讲话、文章等)大加润色:The show is laced with black humour.这次演出富于黑色幽默。She laces her stories with irony.她的故事都运用大量讽刺。6.[NOTE]Lace sth with sth is usually used in the passive in this meaning. lace sth with sth 作此义时通常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+prep

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