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leaveleave[liːv](left,left ) ,leave sth a'side 1.to not discuss or consider a particular idea or issue把想法(或问题)搁置一边:Leaving aside car parking space, the housing development is well planned.撇开停车空间不谈,住房开发规划得很好。Let us leave aside the question of costs for the moment.我们暂时不谈费用的问题吧。Leaving that aside…且不说…[OBJ]question,that/this problem[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (less frequent),leave sb/sth be'hind 2.to make progress much faster than sb else把…抛在后面:The new car is going to leave the competition far behind.新型汽车将把对手远远地甩在后面。[G]v+n/pron+adv,leave sb/sth be'hind; ,leave sb/sth be'hind sb 3.to go away from a place without taking sb/sth because you have forgotten them/it忘记带,丢下(人或物):Somebody has left their umbrella behind.有人忘了取回雨伞。Wait — don’t leave me behind! 等等─别丢下我!4.to go away from a place while the result of sth you have done stays there留下(某行为的结果):They wore gloves so as not to leave any fingerprints behind (them).他们戴着手套,以免留下指纹。5.to leave a person or place permanently,especially in order to begin a new life(尤指为开始新生活)永久离开(某人或某地):He was anxious to leave the past behind (him).他巴不得永远告别过去。She disappeared a year ago leaving behind a boyfriend and a small baby.她一年前抛弃了男友和在襁褓中的孩子消失了。6.to have sb/sth remaining after your death死后留下(人或事物):He died at the age of 33, leaving behind a wife and three young children.他33岁时死去,留下妻子和三个年幼的孩子。7.Leave sb/sth is also often used with all these meanings. leave sb/sth 也常作这些含义:They wore gloves so as not to leave any fingerprints.他们戴着手套,以免留下指纹。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prep,leave sth 'in 8.to not remove sth for example from a book, a piece of writing, etc.保留(书或文章等内容):Make sure you leave that paragraph in.一定要保留那个段落。[opposite]leave sth out[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,leave 'off; ,leave 'off sth; ,leave 'off doing sth (BrE, informal)9.to stop doing sth停止(做某事) ; 中断:Lee shouted at him, but he wouldn’t leave off.李大声喊他,但他没有停下来。Would you leave off what you are doing for a moment? 你先放一放手头的事好吗? We’re going to try and begin where they left off.我们将设法从他们停下的地方接续下去。‘Will you leave off nagging?’ he shouted.“你能不能别唠叨了?”他大声说。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+adv+-ing,leave sb/sth 'off; ,leave sb/sth 'off sth 10.to not include or mention sb/sth, especially on a list不把…列入;不包括;不含:Have I left anyone off the list? 我有没有漏掉什么人?[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prep,leave sth 'on 11.if you leave clothes on, you continue wearing them继续穿着(衣服):Leave your shoes on.不必脱鞋。12.to not switch sth off不关闭;开着:I found the television had been left on all night.我发现电视机开了一夜。[synonym]keep sth on[opposite]leave sth off;switch sth off[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,leave it 'out (BrE, informal)13.used to tell sb to stop doing sth silly or annoying(制止某人做愚蠢或讨厌的事)停下,别干…了14.used to tell sb that you think what they have said is stupid,or that you do not believe it瞎说; 胡说; 不可能:Two million dollars? Leave it out! 两百万元?不会吧﹗[G]v+it+adv,leave sb 'out; ,leave sb 'out of sth 15.to not include sb deliberately不把某人列入(…);不把某人包括在(…内):It seemed unkind to leave Daisy out, so we invited her too.把戴西排除在外似乎不太好,所以我们也邀请了她。There was an outcry when he was left out of the team.他被这个队剔除时引起了抗议。[synonym]exclude sb (more formal)[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv+prep'left 'out adj 16.unhappy because you have not been included in sth感到被冷落:I felt a bit left out.我感到有点受到冷落。,leave sb/sth 'out; ,leave sb/sth 'out of sth17.to not involve sb/sth in sth不把…牵涉在(…)内:Leave my brother out of this — he had nothing to do with it.别把我弟弟牵扯进去─他与这事没关系。18.to not include sb/sth either accidentally or on purpose(偶然或故意地)没有把…包括在(…)内,漏掉:Have I left anyone out? 我漏掉了什么人吗?You can leave out the gory details.你可以删掉那些血腥的细节。This is spelt wrongly. You’ve left out the ‘e’.这个词拼写错了。你漏掉了e。You’ve left the second ‘m’ out of ‘committee’.你漏掉committee中的第二个m字母。You’ve left out an ‘m’ in ‘committee’.你在committee中漏掉了一个m字母。[synonym]omit sth (more formal)[G]1 v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv+prep 2 v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv+prepbe ,left 'over (from sth) 19.(of food or money 食物或钱) if food, money, etc. is left over, it remains when the rest has been eaten or used up剩下;残留:After I’ve paid my rent and bought food there isn’t much left over to spend on books.我付掉房租和买完吃的之后,就没剩下多少钱买书了。There was plenty of food left over after the party.聚会后剩了不少食物。There’s some rice left over from lunch.午饭剩了些米饭。[G]be+v+adv'leftover n (BrE) 20.[usually pl.] food that has not been eaten and remains after a meal吃剩的饭菜21.a custom, tradition, etc. that belongs to an earlier time but still exists遗留下来的风俗习惯(或传统等):These narrow roads are a leftover from the days of horse-drawn carriages.这些小道是从马车时代沿用下来的。'leftover adj 22.[only before noun] remaining because it has not been eaten or used吃剩的;用剩的:leftover vegetables/fabric 剩菜;边角布料'leave sb to sth 23.to go away from sb so that they can continue what they were doing before you came, or do sth without your help离开某人让其继续(或独自) …:(informal) If you don’t need me any more, I’ll leave you to it .你要是不再需要我, 我就走了。I’ll leave you to your lunch.我走了,你用午饭吧。[G]v+n/pron+prepleave sb to their own de'vices24.to leave sb alone to do as they wish让某人自行其是:Once I’ve explained things to him I tend to leave him to his own devices.我一对他说明了情况,就往往不去干涉他。

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