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levellevel[ˈlɛv(ə)l]((-ll-), AmE -l-) 'level sth at sb/sth 1.(also ,level sth a'gainst sb/sth) to say publicly that sb is to blame for sth,especially a mistake or a crime针对…提出指责(或批评等):The charges levelled against him are unjust.对他的公开指责是不公平的。Environmental groups have levelled a number of criticisms at the proposal.环保团体对建议提出了种种批评。[OBJ]criticism,accusation,charge2.Level sth against/at sb/sth is usually used in the passive in this meaning. level sth against/at sb/sth 作此义时通常用于被动语态:Accusations of incompetence have been levelled at the principal.多项指责都针对校长,指其不称职。3.to point sth, especially a gun, at sb(尤指用枪)瞄准,对准:She levelled the pistol at his head.她用手枪指着他的脑袋。[G]v+n/pron+prep,level sth 'down/ 'up 4.to make standards,amounts, etc. be the same low/high or lower/higher level使(标准、数量等)降低/提高到同等水平:The government is accused of levelling down standards in schools rather than levelling them up.政府受到了全面拉低,而非提高各学校标准的指责。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,level 'off/ 'out 5.to become level or steady after a period of sharp rises and falls(经过急剧的涨落后)平稳下来:House prices showed no sign of levelling off.住房价格没有趋于稳定的迹象。6.to become level or horizontal after rising or falling(停止升降而) 保持水平:The road began to level off as we approached the coast.我们接近海岸时,路开始变得平坦。The plane levelled off at 20 000 feet.飞机在2万英尺的高空保持水平飞行。[G]v+adv,level sth 'off/ 'out 7.to make something smooth or flat使平坦;使平整:Level the ground out before sowing the seed.把地平整好再播种。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,level sth 'up=LEVEL STH DOWN/UP'level with sb (informal)8.to speak or deal with sb in an honest and direct way对某人说实话;直言相告:I’m going to level with you now — your work hasn’t been up to standard for some time.我跟你说实话吧─你的工作最近一段时间没有达到要求。I’ve got the feeling that he’s not levelling with me.我感觉他对我不够坦率。[G]v+prep

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