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lielie[lʌɪ](lies,lying,lay /lain) ,lie a'bout; ,lie a'bout sth (BrE)=LIE AROUND,LIE AROUND STH,lie a'head; ,lie a'head of sb1.to be in the future;to be in front of you在将来;在某人面前;面对某人:Great opportunities lie ahead.将来机会很多。Who knows what problems might lie ahead of us? 谁知道我们可能遇到什么问题呢?[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+prep,lie a'round; ,lie a'round sth (BrE also ,lie a'bout, ,lie a'bout sth)2.(of a person 人) to spend time being lazy and not doing anything in particular无所事事地混日子;懒散度日;游手好闲:She’s been lying around the house all day doing nothing.她在家里懒散了一整天。[synonym]laze around,laze around sth;lounge about/around,lounge about/around sth 3.(of a number of things 许多东西) to be left somewhere in a careless or untidy way乱放;乱搁:His clothes lay around all over the floor.一地都是他的衣服。‘Have you seen my purse?’ ‘It was lying about in the kitchen when I last saw it.’ “你看见我的皮夹了吗?”“我上次看见的时候是在厨房里的。”You shouldn’t leave valuables lying around the changing rooms.你不应该把贵重物品随便放在更衣室。[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep'layabout n (old-fashioned, BrE, informal)4.a lazy person who does very little work游手好闲的人;懒汉;二流子,lie 'back (in/on sth) 5.to rest, relax and do very little悠闲;休息;放松:Just lie back and enjoy the peace and quiet.只管悠闲享受这种宁静好啦。She lay back on the pillows and closed her eyes.她安闲地躺在枕头上合上了眼睛。[G]v+adv,lie be'fore sb (literary)6.to be in front of sb在某人面前:A terrible sight lay before them.可怕的情景出现在他们面前。7.to be in the future在将来:Your whole life lies before you.你整个人生还长着呢。[G]v+prep,lie be'hind sth 8.to be the real explanation or reason for sth是…的真实原因(或理由):She understood the feelings that lay behind his angry words.她明白他愤怒的话语之后的真实感受。We will probably never know what lay behind his decision to resign.我们可能永远不会知道他辞职的真正原因。[G]v+prep,lie 'down9.to be or move into a horizontal position on a bed, etc. in order to sleep or rest躺下;平…:Go and lie down for a while.去躺一会儿吧。He lay down on the sofa and went to sleep.他在沙发上躺下睡着了。The coughing is worse when he’s lying down.他躺着时咳嗽得越发厉害。She was lying down on the bed.她躺在床上。10.Do not confuse this sense of lie down with lay sth down, which must always have an object.不要将lie down 的这个含义和lay sth down 混淆,后者必须带宾语:Jack lay down on the sofa.杰克在沙发上躺下。Jack laid the pen down on the table.杰克把笔放在桌子上。Jack was lying down on the sofa, (not而非Jack was laying down on the sofa).杰克躺在沙发上。[G]v+advtake sth lying 'down 11.to accept an insult, a criticism, a violent attack, etc. without protesting or reacting to it默默承受(屈辱、批评、严厉抨击等);逆来顺受:He has been accused of bribery, but he won’t take this lying down.有人指责他受贿,但他不肯忍气吞声。,lie-'down n 12.[sing.] (BrE, informal) a short rest,especially in bed(尤指在床上的)小睡,小憩:to have a lie-down 躺一会儿,lie 'in (BrE, informal)13.to stay in bed after the time you usually get up睡懒觉;起得晚:It’s Saturday tomorrow, so you can lie in.明天是星期六,你可以睡懒觉了。[synonym]sleep in[G]v+adv,lie-'in n 14.[sing.] (BrE, informal) an act of staying in bed longer than usual in the morning睡懒觉;晚起:to have a lie-in 睡懒觉,lie 'up (BrE)15.to hide somewhere躲藏;藏匿:The fugitives lay up in the caves until it got dark.逃亡者在洞里一直躲到天黑。[G]v+adv'lie with sb/sth (to do sth) (formal) 16.to be the duty or responsibility of sb/sth是…的职责(或责任):It lies with you to accept or reject the proposal.接受或拒绝这一建议由你决定。The decision on whether to proceed lies with the minister.得由部长决定是否继续进行。[synonym]rest with sb[G]v+prep

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