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lightlight[lʌɪt](lit,lit ) 'light on/upon sb/sth (literary)1.to suddenly see sb/sth视线突然落在…上:Her gaze lighted on her daughter.她一眼瞅见了她的女儿。2.to suddenly find sb/sth or think of sb/sth突然发现;忽然想到:The research team has lit upon important new material.研究队伍突然找到了重要的新资料。[synonym]hit on sth3.[NOTE]Lighted is also used for the past tense and past participle.过去时和过去分词也用lighted[synonym]alight on/upon sb/sth[G]v+prep,light 'up; ,light sth 'up 4.to become or to make sth bright with light or colour(使)光亮,放光彩:She switched the monitor on and the screen lit up.她打开显示屏,屏幕上出现了画面。Flashes of lightning lit up the sky.闪电照亮了天空。The waterfall was lit up at night with pink and green floodlights.夜间的粉红色和绿色泛光灯把瀑布映照得辉煌夺目。5.if a person’s eyes or face light up, or sth lights them up,they become bright with excitement or happiness喜形于色;喜气洋洋:Her eyes lit up when she saw them.她看见他们时两眼一亮。A smile of delight lit up his face.他脸上露出了高兴的笑容。His face lit up with pleasure.他脸上露出欣喜的神色。6.(informal) to begin to smoke a cigarette, etc.开始吸一根烟(等):She took out a cigarette and lit up.她掏出一支香烟点上吸起来。He lit up one cigarette after another.他一根接一根地抽着烟。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv(less frequent)'light upon sb/sth=LIGHT ON/UPON SB/STH

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