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lineline[lʌɪn],line 'up 1.(for sth/to do sth) if people line up,they form a line, standing one behind the other or beside each other排成一行; 站队; 排队(等候… ) :A group of people were lining up for tickets.一群人正在排队买票。They lined up to shake the President’s hand.他们站成一排逐一和总统握手。The runners lined up at the starting line.赛跑者在起跑线上站成一排。see also QUEUE UP (FOR STH/TO DO STH) 2.to join with sb in order to do sth与某人联合:Local groups are lining up against the new development.当地团体正联合起来反对新的开发项目。Several newspapers lined up to demand his resignation.几家报纸联手要求他辞职。[G]v+adv'line-up n 3.[usually sing.] a row of people that is formed so that sb who saw a crime can try to recognize the person who did it辨认行列,列队认人(把嫌疑犯同其他人排在一起,让目击罪案者辨认):She picked him out of a line-up }(=she recognized him as the person who committed the crime)&b{.她从辨认行列中把他指认出来。see also LINE-UP at LINE SB/STH UP,line 'up; ,line sth 'up 4.to be, or to put sth, in the correct position in relation to sth else(使与相关的其他东西)排齐;(使)对齐:The three holes should all line up (with each other).这三个孔应该全对齐。[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,line sb/sth 'up 5.to arrange people or things in a line or a row使…排成一行(或一列):She lined the children up for the photograph.她让孩子们站成一排照相。His CDs were lined up on the shelf.他的光盘排列在架子上。6.(for sb/sth) to organize an event or an activity; to arrange for sb to do something at an event, a competition, etc.组织,安排(活动);邀集…(做…或参与活动等):He’s lined up a band for the party.他为聚会安排了一个乐队。We’ve lined up a few things for the weekend.我们安排了这个周末有几件事要做。They already had a buyer for their car lined up.他们已经为他们的汽车找到了个买主。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (less frequent)'line-up n 7.[usually sing.] 8.a group of people who have been chosen or invited to take part in an event人员力量的配备状态;阵容;阵式:an impressive line-up of performers 强大的演员阵容The line-up for tonight’s game is still not known.今晚的比赛阵容还不清楚。9.a set of events, people or things一系列事件;一批人(或事物):Several new dramas are included in the line-up of programmes for next year.明年的一系列节目中包括几部新戏剧。see also LINE-UP at LINE UP

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