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listenlisten[ˈlɪs(ə)n]'listen for sb/sth; ,listen 'out for sb/sth 1.to listen carefully to see if you can hear sb/sth留心听…:She lay awake, listening out for the sound of the key in the lock.她躺着没睡,一直留心听着是否有钥匙转动锁孔的声音。Will you listen out for the phone while I’m in the bath? 我洗澡时你注意听电话好吗?The children were asked to listen out for a word beginning with ‘sh’.孩子们被要求注意听以sh开头的词。[OBJ]sound,door[G]v+prep ◆ v+adv+prep,listen 'in 2.(on/to sth) to listen to sth or sb secretly窃听;偷听;监听:Have you been listening in on my phone calls? 你是不是一直在偷听我的电话?They were sure that the police were listening in to their conversations.他们肯定警方在监听他们的谈话。3.(to sth) to listen to a radio programme, etc.收听(无线电广播等):Listen in on Friday for our interview with George Michael.请于星期五收听我们对乔治·迈克尔的访谈。[G]v+adv,listen 'out for sb/sth=LISTEN FOR SB/STH,LISTEN OUT FOR SB/STH,listen 'up (spoken, especially AmE)4.used to tell sb to pay attention to what you are going to say(请对方注意听)听着:Listen up, everyone — this is important! 大家注意听─这很重要![G]v+adv

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