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optopt[ɒpt]'opt for sth 1.to choose sth; to make a decision about sth选择;做决定:More students are now opting for computer science courses.现在有较多的学生选修计算机科学课程。You can stay in the main hotel or opt for one of the bungalows near the beach.你可以住在旅馆主楼或海滩附近其中一座平房。[G]v+prep,opt 'in; ,opt 'into sth 2.to choose to take part in sth决定加入;选择参加:We offer a pension plan, and all staff have the chance to opt in.我们实行养老金计划,所有职员均可参加。The government decided to opt into the new European treaty.政府决定加入新的欧洲条约。[opposite]opt out,opt out of sth[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep,opt 'out; ,opt 'out of sth3.to choose not to take part in sth决定退出;选择不参加:You can opt out of the company’s pension plan.你可以选择不参加公司的养老金计划。4.(of a school or a hospital in Britain英国学校或医院) to choose not to be under the control of the local authority选择不受地方当局管理:A majority of parents were in favour of opting out.大多数家长赞成脱离地方当局管理。[opposite]opt in,opt into sth[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+prep 'opt-out n 5.(often used as an adjective 常用作形容词﹚6.the act of choosing not to take part in sth不参加的决定7.(in Britain英国) the action of a school or a hospital that decides to manage its own money and is therefore no longer controlled by a local authority﹙学校或医院从地方当局管理的﹚退出,脱离:Nurses and health workers voted against the opt-out.护士和保健员表决反对脱离地方当局管理。,opted-'out adj 8.[only before noun] (in Britain英国) an opted-out school or hospital is one that has decided not to be under the control of the local authority﹙学校或医院﹚选择不受地方当局管理的

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