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packpack[pak],pack a'way 1.if sth packs away, it can be folded up small when you are no longer using it能摺叠﹙收拢﹚:The jacket packs away neatly into its own pocket.这件夹克可以摺好,收拢在本身的口袋里。[G]v+adv,pack sth a'way 2.to put sth into a box,cupboard, etc. when you are no longer using it﹙用后﹚收拾好;把东西装进盒子里﹙或柜子里等﹚:We packed away the picnic things and put them in the car.我们把野餐用品装好放到车里。3.(informal) to eat a lot of sth吃掉很多;胃口大:She can certainly pack it away ! 她肯定能一扫而光![synonym]put sth away[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,pack sb 'in 4.to attract large numbers of people to a show, a play, etc.吸引大批观众;使爆满:The film is still packing in the crowds.这部电影依然吸引着大批观众。[OBJ]the crowds5.[NOTE]Pack sb in is not used in the passive. pack sb in 不用于被动语态。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (rare),pack sb/sth 'in; ,pack sb/sth 'in/ 'into sth 6.to do a lot of things, see a lot of people, etc. in a limited period of time把要做的事情﹙或要见的人等﹚挤在﹙有限的时间里﹚:She managed to pack a lot of sightseeing into three days.她设法用三天时间游览了许多地方。We packed in a lot yesterday afternoon.我们昨天下午做了很多事情。7.to put a lot of things or people into a limited space把大量的东西﹙或人﹚挤在﹙有限的空间里﹚ :Somehow we managed to pack everyone in.我们设法让所有的人都挤了进去。[synonym]cram sb/sth in,cram sb/sth in/into sth[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prep,pack sth 'in (BrE, informal)8.to give sth up,especially a job放弃﹙尤指工作﹚:She’s packed in her job as a teacher.她辞去了桝师工作。Smoking’s bad for you. You ought to pack it in.吸烟有害健康。你应该戒掉。I was so depressed I felt like packing it all in .我心灰意懒,想彻底放弃。[OBJ]job[synonym]chuck sth in/up (BrE),jack sth in (BrE),give sth upsee also PACK UP,PACK STH UP 29.,pack it 'in used to tell sb to stop behaving badly or doing sth that is annoying you收敛点;别说了;别做﹙某事﹚:Just pack it in, will you? 你能不能闭上嘴?[G]1 v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv 2 v+it+adv,pack 'into sth 10.if people pack into a place, they go there in large numbers and fill it completely﹙人﹚挤进……里;使爆满:All six of us packed into the tiny car.我们六个都挤进了小车。More than 70 000 people packed into Trafalgar Square on New Year’s Eve.除夕有7万多人涌入特拉法尔加广场。[synonym]cram into sth[G]v+prep,pack sb/sth 'into sth =PACK SB/STH IN,PACK SB/STH IN/INTO STH,pack sb 'off (to …) (informal)11.to send sb away,especially because you do not want them with you把……打发走;把……赶﹙到﹚:She was packed off to boarding school at the age of eight.她八岁时就被送到寄宿学校。He packed the children off to bed.他打发孩子们去睡觉了。12.[NOTE]Pack sb off is often used in the passive. pack sb off 常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,pack sth 'out (BrE)13.if a show, a performer, etc.packs out a place, they attract large numbers of people there to see it/them﹙表演、演员等﹚吸引大批观众,使……满座:The band packs out venues all over the country.这支乐队在全国各地所到之处都观众如潮。The movie has been packing out cinemas for weeks.这部电影使电影院连续几周爆满。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,packed 'out adj 14.(BrE) very full爆满的;挤满……的:The town is packed out with tourists in the summer.夏天城里游人如织。a packed-out stadium 挤得水泄不通的体育场,pack 'up (BrE, informal)15.if a machine, an engine, etc. packs up, it stops working﹙机器、发动机等﹚出故障,坏了:My car’s packed up again.我的车又坏了。[synonym]break down;give out[G]v+adv,pack 'up; ,pack sth 'up 16.to put your possessions,equipment, etc. into bags or boxes before you leave a place打行李;收拾行装:It’s time to pack up and go home now.该收拾行李回家了。All our things were packed up waiting to be moved.我们把所有的东西都打包好了等着运走。[OBJ]things,belongings17.(BrE, informal) to stop doing sth, especially a job停止; 放弃;辞掉:He used to smoke but he packed up last year.他抽过烟,但去年戒掉了。You’d feel better if you packed up smoking.把烟戒掉你就会感觉好些的。When did you pack up your job at the bookshop? 你啥时候辞掉了书店的工作?[OBJ]smoking,work,job[synonym]give sth upsee alsoPACK STH IN 1[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv(rare)

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